Archive | December 7, 2012

Month 10: Finding the Elimination Groove – Day 288

Compare to Sister’s Blog:   Month 10:  Public Elimination


Itty Bitty Chillin’ in the beanbag

12/07 Day 288 F:    I was wired up from work so had a hard time sleeping last night.    We had no misses, though mini Moose only had two big pees.   Our day was 50/50 and we are now using the little potty almost exclusively, though I try to use the big toilet some he’s just getting too big to dangle and is just not quite the right proportion for the toilet insert, though it works.  The Little Potty is just easier at this stage.   My only issue is that his penis needs watching so that it is pointing in the right direction.

And if Itty Bitty would just stop sticking her nose in his face and distracting him, we could actually get the job done more quickly.   It’s okay when she wants to help, but it is a trial when she’s just being clingier than a baby possom.

Mini Moose was up early and Itty Bitty slept late and it was almost ten in the morning when she woke up.   And then Mini Moose wanted his nap because he had been up for a long time.       Needless to say I got little done, though I managed to get a couple of loads of laundry done, swept the floor, and cleaned the kitchen sink and stove.       I read a lot of books to Itty Bitty and when Mini Moose woke up he wanted to play but at he same time was clingy.    I’m also just dog tired.      I’ve been trying for several days to get Holiday Cards done but I can never seem to get it together.   I managed to choose a printing place, got the picture and card together, but now need to figure out how many we need this year from our database which is on my other computer.

Tomorrow we are planning to get a tree and Sunday we want to go the Children’s Museum for the day as suggested by Grandmama.   Hey, any time you can leave the house and not do chores is already a good day!

Again, no poop but just lots of farting.   Foul farting.

Daddy Man and I are very afraid.  It’s not going to be pretty.  I can only hope Poopageddon happens on Daddy Man’s watch.  Hahaha!