
New Directions

Greetings from 2015!

untitlednlkA big thank you to all of my followers and those of you who have been with me from the beginning five years ago.  When I wrote my very first blog dedicated to Itty Bitty’s EC journey,  I never thought even two people would bother looking at it, much less generate a very respectable number of intimate followers.   Even when WordPress stopped showing it in the feed for some reason, many of you followed it on Facebook instead.    This blog has a spotty upload history!   I always had those notes laying in the wings, but never seemed to have the time to upload as often as I had planned!    I am rather proud that I managed to keep a daily log for the entire journey, even though at the end there wasn’t much to report.  Another big update is coming soon.

I appreciate that you have stuck in there.    However, Mini Moose  is coming up on three years and I just like his sister, my roll in their  potty adventure has long since been a fraction.    He will soon no longer need my help with anything at all.  Three years is about the upper limit of the topic for us!    Alas, there will be no future spawn to discuss an EC journey.

As I mentioned in my mad ramblings before, I am beginning to transition to a new, more general blog focusing on more topics of interest to me, Amazon reviews (good and bad), domestic tips, and other opinionated musings at Laissez Faire Life which has it own Facebook page.    A few people now and then ask me about accessory recommendations and I am putting together reviews and lists of such products, that I will add to this blog and it’s sister blog as they come up.     I may in the future, open up Q & A posts or more opinion pieces depending on what the fates throw my way.

I am turning 42 this year and I want to take a new approach to writing by focusing on broader topics, and even to feel my way around Review writing.   As the children grow there is more time to take for myself.   I hope you will join me this year in a new direction!