Month 27: One Catch at a Time – Day 787 to Day 816

Compare to Sister’s Blog:   Month 27:  Making Strides

The "rear mount"

The “rear mount”

4/22 Tuesday Day 787 (26 Months)

Night EC: Same. 2am and 6am.
Day: No misses.
Poop: 50/50

Routine is what we like to see with Elimination Communication.   Just part of every day life.   Brush teeth, fling clothes, empty out every toy, hug sibling, annoy sibling, hug sibling again, sit on sibling, eat, and potty.      However, it doesn’t make for very exciting diary entries.

4/23 Wednesday Day 788

Night EC: Big 6am pee
Day: No misses.
Poop: 50/50

4/24 Thursday Day 789

Night EC: Same. 2am and 6am.
Day: No misses.
Poop: catch!

4/25 Friday Day 790

Night EC: 2am and 6am.
Day: 3 misses. Off day.
Poop: 50/50

Managed to book Mini Moose’s belated second birthday party at a local community venue. Better late than never I guess! It will be a Winnie the Pooh theme. I can seem to find any of that theme amongst the Spongebobs and Sophias, so I’m going to focus on the cake and make character ears for the kids. I got some good deals on party favors at Easter markdown (really, if you can Easter markdown is the best time to get cute party favors at rock bottom prices cheaper than the dollar stores).

4/26 Saturday Day 791

Night EC: Two usual pees.
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: 1 catch in the morning, 1 miss in the late afternoon.

4/27 Sunday Day 792

Night EC: Two usual pees.
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: 80% catch!

4/28 Monday Day 793

Night EC: Same. 2am and 6am
Day: No misses.
Poop: 50/50

4/29 Tuesday Day 794

Night EC: 1 big wake up pee around 6 or 7am
Day: No misses.
Poop: 90% catch!

4/30 Wednesday Day 795

Night EC: Missed one, caught one. I fell back to sleep the first time oops!
Day: 2 misses.
Poop: 50/50

Accursed poops.  Half catch is better than a full miss though!

5/1 Thursday Day 796

Night EC: Back to the pattern 2am and 6am.
Day: No misses.
Poop: 80% catch

Mini Moose has been a huge crankopotomous. There are changes afoot for sure. Itty Bitty has been antsy to go outside, but the sporadic cold/rainy weather is getting on all our nerves.

5/2 Friday Day 797

Night EC: One big wake up pee around 7am
Day: 2 misses.
Poop: 50/50 If he would just give me more warning we would make it 100% more often!

5/3 Saturday Day 798

Night EC: Two usual pees.
Day: 4 misses. Wow. At least he brings me the wet underwear.
Poop: miss.

5/4 Sunday Day 799

Night EC: One big wake-up pee.
Day: 2 misses.
Poop: 50/50

For those new to the blog, understand that two misses is nothing.  A pittance.  Hardly even worth noting.  I only mention them because I want people to know that EC is a process; it is not perfect.   I don’t count the number of times Mini Moose pees in a day, but it is WAY more than twice.

5/5 Monday Day 800

Night EC: 2 catch at usual intervals.
Day: No misses.
Poop: miss

A big milestone happened today for Mini Moose! Normally when he signals to pee or poop (even if we miss all are part of the poop), I shoo him to the bathroom with a frantic, “Quick go to the potty!” or a “Shoo shoo to the bathroom!” or “Eeek…go go go!” And he makes a mad dash to the bathroom with me herding him like a sheepdog with her flock of one. Today though, I said “Go potty!” when he signaled and he ran off before I could herd him that direction! He then dropped his pants in the hallway halfway there, straddled the little potty, aimed and peed! He has pretty good aim for a short-stack. We almost had a mishap when he then emptied the potty in the toilet. No matter, the events occurred and that is huge. I don’t expect it to be consistent yet, but it is a start. I don’t mind being a kid-herder anyway.

5/6 Tuesday Day 801

Night EC: Same. 2am and 6am.
Day: No misses.
Poop: 50/50

Mini Moose and Itty Bitty were playing together when Mini Moose suddenly got up silently, strolled to the bathroom, (I followed him discreetly), peed in the little potty standing up taking careful aim, he then emptied the potty (making a bit of a mess), flushed, walked out of the bathroom and went to resume play. I guess there was some brain rewiring going on with the crankitude a couple weeks ago.

5/7 Wednesday Day 802

Night EC: One big wake-up pee.
Day: No misses.
Poop: 50/50 Curse the poop.

Mini Moose took himself to the potty twice today with prompting. “Go pee!” has been rewarded with the flinging of trainers and a trip to the potty. He won’t sit, but straddles it standing. He repositions and reaims if he misjudges.

5/8 Thursday Day 803

Night EC: Usual 2am and 6am.
Day: 2 misses in the morning.
Poop: catch!

I’m kind of liking the “Go Pee!” initiative, it is not always mess free however. Unless we are outside, then I can just tell him to go pee on a tree and he runs across the yard with a bare little bottom to find an appropriate place to mark territory.

5/9 Friday Day 804

Night EC: One big morning pee.
Day: no misses
Poop: 50/50

Happy Mother’s Day! I almost missed it. Where does the time go anyway!? I am so not ready for anything anymore. Got some flowers, cards, and Daddy Man is going ot cook out for me and his mom this weekend.

5/10 Saturday Day 805

Night EC: Two usual pees.
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: 1 catch in the morning, 1 miss in the late afternoon.

5/11 Sunday Day 806

Night EC: Two usual pees.
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: 80% catch!

Mini Moose is communicating a lot more, picking up new words and always asking, “Oowad Dat?” He will repeat new words if they end a sentence and it sounds like a bonafide question with a dash of surprise. I say, “That’s a stick.” and he’ll say, “Stik!?” He makes requests all the time for specific cartoons, “Rockee” (Little Einsteins) or “Ohnut (Octonaughts)” or “Osho (Special Agent Oso). He gives orders, “Sheet Down!”, “Go”, “No, stop.” or makes demands, “Wet go!” “Poomee down!” “Oh-gurr-p! (Yogurt)” “Mine!”, “Me Hahtit (give that to me I had it!)” Makes inquiries, “Bah-tin? Bah tin? (Where’s the remote control so I can press the buttons and turn the tv on.) Initiates games, “Hide Shhhh!” (Hide and go Seek) “Nose, Eye, Hay (hair), cheeks…” (Let’s play name that body part!)

Got to love the toddler-speak.

Itty Bitty has been singing…a lot. Like a lot a lot. Like…I want to put my head in a plastic bag stuffed with cotton wool a lot. I admire her memory, but after the 400th verse of True True friend or Let it Go…I’m done.

5/12 Monday Day 807

Night EC: Same. 2am and 6am.
Day: 3 misses.
Poop: 50/50

Despite the misses, Mini Moose will immediately come to me or Daddy Man to rememedy the situation — usually with soggy pants in hands. Mini Moose’s curly cues on his head are getting knotted and I actually have to take five whole seconds to brush them out.

5/13 Tuesday Day 808

Night EC: Big 6am pee
Day: No misses.
Poop: 50/50

5/14 Wednesday Day 809

Night EC: Same. 2am and 6am.
Day: No misses.
Poop: catch!

5/15 Thursday Day 810

Night EC: 2am and 6am.
Day: 3 misses. Off day.
Poop: 50/50

5/16 Friday Day 811

Night EC: Two usual pees.
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: 1 catch in the morning, 1 miss in the late afternoon.

5/17 Saturday Day 812

Night EC: Two usual pees.
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: 80% catch!

5/18 Sunday Day 813

Night EC: Two usual pees.
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Miss.

5/19 Monday Day 814

Night EC: Same. 2am and 6am.
Day: 3 misses.
Poop: 50/50

Mini Moose still occasionally will use the little potty, but he has a clear preference for the big potty. It is funny, Itty Bitty was FAR more independent and delighted on getting on and off the big potty by herself, using and emptying the little potty by herself, and stripping her clothes off. Mini Moose had control of pee much earlier and he CAN get on the big potty and use the little potty…but he doesn’t have the intense “me do myself” drive yet. For him, it seems like he wants to prove to himself that he CAN do it, yet once he has mastered it he prefers to relinquish the sole control in preference over cooperation. If we are outside, there is no need for any aid when he can pee on the endge of the lawn on a tree, weed, or bush so I can just say, “Go pee on a tree,” and he dashes off. If we are in the house and I say, “Go potty.” He goes to the bathroom and waits for me.

Not the behavior I anticipated. Not that this is a bad thing. Not at all! Just an observation.

5/20 Tuesday Day 815

Night EC: 1 night pee, then the morning pee.
Day: No misses.
Poop: Miss.

5/21 Wednesday Day 816

Night EC: Same.
Day: 2 morning misses.
Poop: Miss.

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