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Month 32: Whatever She Can Do I Can Do – Day 948 to Day 975

Compare to Sister’s Blog:   Month 32:  Itty Bitty Role Model

Happy Birthday!   The cake gave mommy some trouble, but rainbows make everything better!

Happy Birthday! The cake gave mommy some trouble, but rainbows make everything better!

9/21 Sunday Day 947 (31 Months)

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Successful Deployment

Happy Fifth Birthday Itty Bitty!

I am still exhausted and we didn’t finish cleanup from yesterday. We took Itty Bitty out for her birthday breakfast and just pretty much stayed close to home. It rained all day with a lull in the afternoon and the the kids enjoyed playing in the warm puddles.

I wonder how many years of puddle splashing she has left? Of course, I hope she puddle splashes as an adult! It can be really hard to keep that little inner child sparked.

Itty Bitty you are growing so fast. Every so often I catch a glimpse of my little baby, and I miss the smell of your bald head. Sure, sometimes it smelled like armpit, but I could still get a great whiff of that baby perfume. You are so affectionate and headstrong. I am sorry if some days I feel all touched out, and aren’t as free with my hugs as you. I am sorry if sometimes I demand too much quiet or just can’t answer one more question. I don’t want you to stop asking questions or to stop challenging me, even when I raise my hands in exasperation. The world is still all new to you, and you haven’t yet grown tired. Though I know that I should try to see the world through your eyes, this Mama Bear just wants to curl up and hibernate for a while!

Know that I miss your noise when you aren’t near. Miss the questions once I’ve had my half hour of recharge time. I love your persistence and passion. Yes, I see how much better you are drawing cats and people. Yes, thank you for getting the laundry. You may not lick the window! Wow, look at how easily you can do a flip now! No, I don’t want help eating my piece of birthday cake. Thank you, but I don’t want to listen to that song a 61t time. Please, do not jump on my foot! Do not tie that around the cat! You’ve called me twenty times in sixty seconds, WHAT!? Yes, I love you too.

9/22 Monday Day 948

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Successful Deployment

9/23 Tuesday Day 949

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Successful Deployment

Happy 62nd Birthday to my mom.
Itty Bitty did something stranger today…she fell asleep next to me on our cuddler loveseat and took a nap while Mini Moose didn’t take a nap! Wow. The party must have taken a lot out of her and she needed to reset.

9/24 Wednesday Day 950

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Successful Deployment

Mini Moose has been continuing his trend of solo pottying. He sometimes dissapears to go on his own, though he still usually announces to me before he goes, and often returns to give me the usual status report.
Oh, and I realized that I totally flaked forgot to put out the homemade onion dip and carrots for the party. Guess what we are eating?

9/25 Thursday Day 951

Night EC: 1 night miss, 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Successful Deployment

Making giant bubbles!

Making giant bubbles!

9/26 Friday Day 952

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Successful Deployment

9/27 Saturday Day 953

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Successful Deployment

Daddy Man took me out for a birthday dinner to the place they all went to on the fourth of July when Mini Moose was sick. Yay! It was so good. The specialize in wings and specialty sauces, but everything we ordered was good. Even the coleslaw! I had myself a birthday cocktail. I should have had two. Mini Moose was napless today so he was really antsy, but we managed to hold it together, but we didn’t get to have desert. It was okay though because I was way way over full.

Oh…and…by the way Mother Nature…thank you for the monthly gift. It was really, really unnecessary though.


Happy Birthday to mommy!

9/28 Sunday Day 954

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Successful Deployment

Happy 41st Birthday to me! The weather is gorgeous, if a little hot. Summer decided to come back and say goodbye to me one last time. *sniffle* Thank you Summer, that was very thoughtful.

9/29 Monday Day 955

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Successful Deployment

Grandmama and a very good friend came by today and we hung out and had some Mommy birthday cake that Grandmama brought over. I even go to blow out candles. Yay!
The kids and I showed them how we make gak/slime with borax, pvc/elmer’s glue, and water. That kept the kids occupied for two hours while the big folk got to watch a football game in peace.

9/30 Tuesday Day 956

Night EC: 1 night miss and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Successful Deployment

10/1 Wednesday Day 957

Night EC: 1 night miss and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Successful Deployment

We are having trouble with the middle of the night pee. Thankfully it isn’t a big gusher, but still getting kicked from a toddler who is half asleep with damp pants doesn’t put me in the rainbow zone.

10/1 Wednesday Day 958

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Successful Deployment


Mini Moose, please, maintain three points of contact at all times!

10/2 Thursday Day 959

Night EC: 1 night miss, and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Successful Deployment

Managed to keep the kids occupied for hours with the slime and Itty Bitty was doing one of the craft kits she got for her birthday. Breathing room is good.

10/3 Friday Day 958

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Successful Deployment

10/4 Saturday Day 959

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Successful Deployment

These new brain the kids are growing ar really killing me. I may not survive the ordeal. Restless nights, the fighting, the naplessness, the fighting, the crazy. I want my babies back!

Mommy is having a small heart attack.

Mommy is having a small heart attack.

10/5 Sunday Day 960

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Successful Deployment

It seem like Mini Moose has the poop well in hand now. We have no issues any more even with pants on, though it is easier for him without pants. He can take them off on his own, though he usually comes to give me the potty signal and says, “Poot!” I take his pants off and he goes running. Sometimes, instead, I’ll say, “You don’t have to tell me, take off your pants, go go go!” And shoo him off in a hurry. If he remembers he takes his pants off first before running, though usually they end up around his ankle as he shuffles. Once in a great while, the get to destination first, then remove them. No matter how it starts, he inevitably ends up pantsless. “I fush?” Is is finishing question if he wants to flush, though usually doesn’t wait for an answer.

Now if he can just hold his pee all night, we’ll be golden.

"Look how high I am!  I can do it Momma!"  Yes, I can see that you can.

“Look how high I am! I can do it Momma!” Yes, I can see that you are several feet above the ground.

10/6 Monday Day 960

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Successful Deployment

Can we have one day where you two aren’t fighting!! Gah. Please finish this double growth spurt and brain burst quickly. Please. I am begging.
On top of this rewiring, Itty Bitty informs me that she doen’t want to be a pony for Halloween, but wants to be Velma. I went to the store to buy her new pant because she’s outgrown all but two pairs in a week! While I was there I happened to see a Scooby Doo costume for Mini Moose so I bought it. Last one in his size! I was going to go for more of a Superhero costume like Super Why to echo Itty Bitty’s two year costume a Detructo Girl. There were no Super Why cotumes and ALL of the other superheros had gigantic fake muscles and they looked weird. I couldn’t find a Daphne costume for me, so I’m going to groovy up as a hippie and be the “guest star”. I even got a pink wing and a pink/purple gogo dress (I’ll be wearing pants). I don’t do pink, so this costume is way out in left field for me. So…now I have to find a Velma outfit.

Mini Moose has suddenly burst out with new vocabulary, phrase, and sentences. So I was right. New brains. The fights between he and Itty Bitty are the direct result of new awareness. They also play together with imaginative play complete with dialog, so it isn’t all conflict. Just…a lot of it.

Exhausted. Yin and Yang.

Yin and Yang.

Mini Moose Word Burst:

YouheppaMe = You help me.
Eyeheppayou= I’ll help you.
NoIwannadatone = No! I want that one!
Disonenaynay= This one nay-nay. (says when he wants to switch nursing sides)
EyingAqueen! = Lightning McQueen
IckHips! = Chick Hicks
DaddyPudaVroomVroomCah= Daddy, play vroom vroom cars on your computer
Puda = Computer
Idoewandit = I don’t want it.
Eye-doe-no = I don’t know
Wook Wook a circle! = Look Look (I made) a circle!
Pwayne = Plane
Wook it waining = Look it’s raining.
Shirt off = Shirt off (to match the pants that are already off)
Shirt peez = Put my shirt on please
Dis one = this one!
I’m shad! = I’m sad!
Dat/Dis/It hebby = That/This/It’s heavy.
Nonono Waitda second = No, no, wait a second.
Where’s Daddy? = asks when he forgets that it isn’t the weekend.
Daddy adda work? = Is Daddy at work?
Take it = (Minni Moose enjoys giving orders)
PayDoe = Play Doh
Why? = (so many why’s…let me count them)
Pieda = Spider (pretty much any multi-legged critter. “I think that’s a tick, honey.” Pause. “No! Pie-da!”)
Pieda Mane = Spiderman
Housh = House
Top it! = Stop it! (often said to his sister)
Outshied = Outside
Oh Man! = (I think I say this a lot)
Hrmph = (crosses his arms with displeasure and snorts this sound through his nose)
Momma, Yucky poot! Heppa me. = (a plea to help me whip his bottom free of a particularly grueome poo)

Mini Moose still says: MauMau for Micky Mouse. But has stopped saying “Shoom-Shoom” for airplane. *sniffle*

10/7 Tuesday Day 961

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Successful Deployment

Itty Bitty’s brain has been rewired too. She’d been doing well with number for quite a long time (counting 100 and above, adding, subtracting, using the simple abacus), but suddenly out of the blue she’s started doing low number multiplication, and has a better understanding of even and odd numbers. “Momma, four is an even number because you can make two groups of two. And six is an even number because you can make two groups of three. Three is an odd number because you can’t make two even groups.”

I was quite surprised with the length of the profound utterance. She still has a little trouble with counting because occasionally brain cells go on the fritz and she forgets the repeating pattern (particularly with the teens). She also still has difficulty saying “fifteen” as it comes out sounding like “fifty”, even though we know what she means.

I guess it is about time to start teaching her how to count money, and explain that the number of coins isn’t the amount of money you have! I also should get back on track with letters and sight words…I’ve been rather neglecting that part of our play to learn.

10/8 Wednesday Day 962

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Successful Deployment

10/9 Thursday Day 963

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Successful Deployment during day, a mishap with daddy in the evening (oops!)

10/10 Friday Day 964

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Successful Deployment

Mini Moose is obsessed with cars. Particularly Lighting McQueen. Obsessed. It causes so much strife with his sister that I’ve had to put away most of the cars and limit them to a few at a time just to keep them reeled in and encourage mor cooperation.

10/11 Saturday Day 965

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Successful Deployment

10/12 Sunday Day 966

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Successful Deployment

Happy 91st Birthday Great-Grandma!

10/13 Monday Day 967

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Successful Deployment

Hello. My name is Mommy and I’m a yeller.
I don’t want to be a yeller.
I don’t like to yell.
I can’t stop yelling.

Can I get just FIVE MINUTES alone to PEE without there having to be an argument, crying, and a crash of some sort!

10/14 Tuesday Day 968

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Successful Deployment

10/15 Wednesday Day 969

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Successful Deployment

10/16 Thursday Day 970

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Successful Deployment

10/17 Friday Day 971

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Successful Deployment

10/18 Saturday Day 972

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Successful Deployment

10/19 Sunday Day 973

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Successful Deployment

10/20 Monday Day 974

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Successful Deployment

10/21 Tuesday Day 975

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Successful Deployment

Month 27: One Catch at a Time – Day 787 to Day 816

Compare to Sister’s Blog:   Month 27:  Making Strides

The "rear mount"

The “rear mount”

4/22 Tuesday Day 787 (26 Months)

Night EC: Same. 2am and 6am.
Day: No misses.
Poop: 50/50

Routine is what we like to see with Elimination Communication.   Just part of every day life.   Brush teeth, fling clothes, empty out every toy, hug sibling, annoy sibling, hug sibling again, sit on sibling, eat, and potty.      However, it doesn’t make for very exciting diary entries.

4/23 Wednesday Day 788

Night EC: Big 6am pee
Day: No misses.
Poop: 50/50

4/24 Thursday Day 789

Night EC: Same. 2am and 6am.
Day: No misses.
Poop: catch!

4/25 Friday Day 790

Night EC: 2am and 6am.
Day: 3 misses. Off day.
Poop: 50/50

Managed to book Mini Moose’s belated second birthday party at a local community venue. Better late than never I guess! It will be a Winnie the Pooh theme. I can seem to find any of that theme amongst the Spongebobs and Sophias, so I’m going to focus on the cake and make character ears for the kids. I got some good deals on party favors at Easter markdown (really, if you can Easter markdown is the best time to get cute party favors at rock bottom prices cheaper than the dollar stores).

4/26 Saturday Day 791

Night EC: Two usual pees.
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: 1 catch in the morning, 1 miss in the late afternoon.

4/27 Sunday Day 792

Night EC: Two usual pees.
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: 80% catch!

4/28 Monday Day 793

Night EC: Same. 2am and 6am
Day: No misses.
Poop: 50/50

4/29 Tuesday Day 794

Night EC: 1 big wake up pee around 6 or 7am
Day: No misses.
Poop: 90% catch!

4/30 Wednesday Day 795

Night EC: Missed one, caught one. I fell back to sleep the first time oops!
Day: 2 misses.
Poop: 50/50

Accursed poops.  Half catch is better than a full miss though!

5/1 Thursday Day 796

Night EC: Back to the pattern 2am and 6am.
Day: No misses.
Poop: 80% catch

Mini Moose has been a huge crankopotomous. There are changes afoot for sure. Itty Bitty has been antsy to go outside, but the sporadic cold/rainy weather is getting on all our nerves.

5/2 Friday Day 797

Night EC: One big wake up pee around 7am
Day: 2 misses.
Poop: 50/50 If he would just give me more warning we would make it 100% more often!

5/3 Saturday Day 798

Night EC: Two usual pees.
Day: 4 misses. Wow. At least he brings me the wet underwear.
Poop: miss.

5/4 Sunday Day 799

Night EC: One big wake-up pee.
Day: 2 misses.
Poop: 50/50

For those new to the blog, understand that two misses is nothing.  A pittance.  Hardly even worth noting.  I only mention them because I want people to know that EC is a process; it is not perfect.   I don’t count the number of times Mini Moose pees in a day, but it is WAY more than twice.

5/5 Monday Day 800

Night EC: 2 catch at usual intervals.
Day: No misses.
Poop: miss

A big milestone happened today for Mini Moose! Normally when he signals to pee or poop (even if we miss all are part of the poop), I shoo him to the bathroom with a frantic, “Quick go to the potty!” or a “Shoo shoo to the bathroom!” or “Eeek…go go go!” And he makes a mad dash to the bathroom with me herding him like a sheepdog with her flock of one. Today though, I said “Go potty!” when he signaled and he ran off before I could herd him that direction! He then dropped his pants in the hallway halfway there, straddled the little potty, aimed and peed! He has pretty good aim for a short-stack. We almost had a mishap when he then emptied the potty in the toilet. No matter, the events occurred and that is huge. I don’t expect it to be consistent yet, but it is a start. I don’t mind being a kid-herder anyway.

5/6 Tuesday Day 801

Night EC: Same. 2am and 6am.
Day: No misses.
Poop: 50/50

Mini Moose and Itty Bitty were playing together when Mini Moose suddenly got up silently, strolled to the bathroom, (I followed him discreetly), peed in the little potty standing up taking careful aim, he then emptied the potty (making a bit of a mess), flushed, walked out of the bathroom and went to resume play. I guess there was some brain rewiring going on with the crankitude a couple weeks ago.

5/7 Wednesday Day 802

Night EC: One big wake-up pee.
Day: No misses.
Poop: 50/50 Curse the poop.

Mini Moose took himself to the potty twice today with prompting. “Go pee!” has been rewarded with the flinging of trainers and a trip to the potty. He won’t sit, but straddles it standing. He repositions and reaims if he misjudges.

5/8 Thursday Day 803

Night EC: Usual 2am and 6am.
Day: 2 misses in the morning.
Poop: catch!

I’m kind of liking the “Go Pee!” initiative, it is not always mess free however. Unless we are outside, then I can just tell him to go pee on a tree and he runs across the yard with a bare little bottom to find an appropriate place to mark territory.

5/9 Friday Day 804

Night EC: One big morning pee.
Day: no misses
Poop: 50/50

Happy Mother’s Day! I almost missed it. Where does the time go anyway!? I am so not ready for anything anymore. Got some flowers, cards, and Daddy Man is going ot cook out for me and his mom this weekend.

5/10 Saturday Day 805

Night EC: Two usual pees.
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: 1 catch in the morning, 1 miss in the late afternoon.

5/11 Sunday Day 806

Night EC: Two usual pees.
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: 80% catch!

Mini Moose is communicating a lot more, picking up new words and always asking, “Oowad Dat?” He will repeat new words if they end a sentence and it sounds like a bonafide question with a dash of surprise. I say, “That’s a stick.” and he’ll say, “Stik!?” He makes requests all the time for specific cartoons, “Rockee” (Little Einsteins) or “Ohnut (Octonaughts)” or “Osho (Special Agent Oso). He gives orders, “Sheet Down!”, “Go”, “No, stop.” or makes demands, “Wet go!” “Poomee down!” “Oh-gurr-p! (Yogurt)” “Mine!”, “Me Hahtit (give that to me I had it!)” Makes inquiries, “Bah-tin? Bah tin? (Where’s the remote control so I can press the buttons and turn the tv on.) Initiates games, “Hide Shhhh!” (Hide and go Seek) “Nose, Eye, Hay (hair), cheeks…” (Let’s play name that body part!)

Got to love the toddler-speak.

Itty Bitty has been singing…a lot. Like a lot a lot. Like…I want to put my head in a plastic bag stuffed with cotton wool a lot. I admire her memory, but after the 400th verse of True True friend or Let it Go…I’m done.

5/12 Monday Day 807

Night EC: Same. 2am and 6am.
Day: 3 misses.
Poop: 50/50

Despite the misses, Mini Moose will immediately come to me or Daddy Man to rememedy the situation — usually with soggy pants in hands. Mini Moose’s curly cues on his head are getting knotted and I actually have to take five whole seconds to brush them out.

5/13 Tuesday Day 808

Night EC: Big 6am pee
Day: No misses.
Poop: 50/50

5/14 Wednesday Day 809

Night EC: Same. 2am and 6am.
Day: No misses.
Poop: catch!

5/15 Thursday Day 810

Night EC: 2am and 6am.
Day: 3 misses. Off day.
Poop: 50/50

5/16 Friday Day 811

Night EC: Two usual pees.
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: 1 catch in the morning, 1 miss in the late afternoon.

5/17 Saturday Day 812

Night EC: Two usual pees.
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: 80% catch!

5/18 Sunday Day 813

Night EC: Two usual pees.
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Miss.

5/19 Monday Day 814

Night EC: Same. 2am and 6am.
Day: 3 misses.
Poop: 50/50

Mini Moose still occasionally will use the little potty, but he has a clear preference for the big potty. It is funny, Itty Bitty was FAR more independent and delighted on getting on and off the big potty by herself, using and emptying the little potty by herself, and stripping her clothes off. Mini Moose had control of pee much earlier and he CAN get on the big potty and use the little potty…but he doesn’t have the intense “me do myself” drive yet. For him, it seems like he wants to prove to himself that he CAN do it, yet once he has mastered it he prefers to relinquish the sole control in preference over cooperation. If we are outside, there is no need for any aid when he can pee on the endge of the lawn on a tree, weed, or bush so I can just say, “Go pee on a tree,” and he dashes off. If we are in the house and I say, “Go potty.” He goes to the bathroom and waits for me.

Not the behavior I anticipated. Not that this is a bad thing. Not at all! Just an observation.

5/20 Tuesday Day 815

Night EC: 1 night pee, then the morning pee.
Day: No misses.
Poop: Miss.

5/21 Wednesday Day 816

Night EC: Same.
Day: 2 morning misses.
Poop: Miss.

Month 31: Le Streak Indépendante – Day 914 to Day 947

A walk to see the sunset.

A walk to see the sunset.

Compare to Sister’s Blog:   Month 31:  Veni Vidi Vici

8/22 Friday Day 913 (30 Months)

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Catch

We are on an amazing streak! I don’t know what to do with myself!
If I could do a cartwheel I would.   I’ll have to be content with the Snoopy Dance!



8/23 Saturday Day 914

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Catch

Grandmama treated us all to a trip to an amusement park today!   We rode on so many rides (Daddy Man went on the crazy Roller Coaster by himself.   I don’t do coasters and he doesn’t do teacups so we’re square).     The food was way over priced, but the admission was pretty reasonable with unlimited rides so it balanced out.

These were very fast!  They both LOVED it and went on it two  more times, willing to stand in line.

These were very fast! They both LOVED it and went on it two more times, willing to stand in line.

I was rather taken aback though when I paid for a stroller so that the kids didn’t have to exhaust themselves between rides with walking.    The stroller rental was thirteen dollars, so I tried to give $23.00 so I could get a ten dollar bill back.   I hand them the twenty, and was digging in my pocket for the three ones, “Hold on, I have three bills so you can give me a ten back.” and they said, “Sorry we can’t do that.  We can’t make change.”      I blinked, “Uh, I don’t want change, I just wanted you to give me back a ten instead of a five and singles.”       You know, because usually it is better to keep the singles you have since they can dwindle pretty fast.      They refused to give me a ten and referred me to customer service!     I…I have no words that are kind.

The kids were exhausted by the time we got home, but we had no potty issues and Mini Moose and Itty Bitty were fearless riders of even the most surprisingly fast kiddie rides.   Daddy Man will one day have steady company on his Roller Coaster rides.

8/24 Sunday Day 915

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Catch

Itty Bitty tests out the new swim bubble with Daddy Man.

Itty Bitty tests out the new swim bubble with Daddy Man.

8/25 Monday Day 916

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Catch

8/26 Tuesday Day 917

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Catch

We seem to have cracked the poop! WOO HOO! Steady on Mini Moose, steady on!

8/27 Wendesday Day 918

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Catch

8/21 Thursday Day 919

Night EC: 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses, except one when we were out and I forgot to pee him as soon as we got home.
Poop: Catch

8/22 Friday Day 920

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Catch

8/23 Saturday Day 921

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Catch

I really am going to miss Mini Moose’s little naked tush when he finally starts wearing pants all the time. I sometimes miss it when I realize that Itty Bitty hasn’t needed me for potty help for months — not since she was sick. She just takes care of herself. It is funny though when she suddenly runs by in panic to make it to the bathroom because she waited too long. Once in a blue moon she doesn’t quite make it. She tells me, then tosses her dirties in the hamper, and gets herself new underwear. It’s not that I miss poop patrol, it is that I realize that she hasn’t been my teeny little baby in such a long time.

8/24 Sunday Day 922

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Catch

8/25 Monday Day 923

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Catch

My moods have not been the best. As the kids grow, we are more and more on each other’s nerves, especially when in a big house they are up my rear end when I just need a few minutes alone to just center. The same go rounds every day are really getting old and wearing me down. Can we have ONE morning where there isn’t something unpleasant going on? Just. ONE.

I try so hard to use positive language and all that, but lately I just…Snarl. Really. It get’s to the point where you are so tired you just spew all the cliche negative barks: GET OFF YOUR SISTER’S HEAD! STOP TEASING YOUR BROTHER! PUT THE CAT DOWN! DON’T PICK YOUR BROTHER UP BY THE HEAD! BOY, BALLS ARE FOR OUTSIDE! THERE ARE 50 CARS, STOP HOGGING THEM ALL BOTH OF YOU! CAN I HAVE JUST FIVE MINUTES OF PEACE!!! GET OUT, GET OUT GO OUTSIDE!

Gah! Children for sale!

8/26 Tuesday Day 924

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Catch

8/27 Wednesday Day 925

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Catch

At night we still always do a catch in a pee-cup still. Much easier than the bowl set up we used when we were first starting out. No fuss and back to slumber in less than a minute. Most of the time he still has his eye closed!



8/28 Thursday Day 926

Night EC: 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses, except one when we were out and I forgot to pee him as soon as we got home.
Poop: Catch

8/29 Friday Day 927

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Catch

8/30 Saturday Day 928

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Catch

Daddy Man told me that after he was done with his pit stop in the downstairs bathroom, Mini Moose decided that he too was going to pee into the big toilet standing up. Daddy man said he was barely able to reach standing on his tiptoes to pee into the bowl freestyle.

8/31 Sunday Day 929

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Catch

9/1 Monday Day 930

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Catch

Tasting the blueberries to be sure they are okay for picking.

Tasting the blueberries to be sure they are okay for picking.

9/2 Tuesday Day 931

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Catch

Things are pretty on the potty front. I can now just tell Mini Moose to “go potty!” when he comes to me and gives me the “may-may” sound and potty sign. I don’t always follow him to the bathroom now, or I’ll just peek in quickly and leave him to it. He’s mostly naked so pants aren’t a problem. However, sometimes he has on trainers so I do have to remember to say, “Take off your pants.” or just “Pants pants!” if he is already rounding into the bathroom. He has found that his favorite way to potty now is rear mounting the toilet (facing the tank). I’m glad of it since if he does on occasion pee in the potty, he feels he needs to empty it (and he’s not so good about pouring without missing the toilet!). He comes back to give me a status report, “I pee!” or “I fush!” or “I poot” (I pooped). He’s been a bit of a bear lately, but we can now see through his vocabulary burst and control of more independence that he’s been growing some more brains!

9/3 Wednesday Day 931

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Catch

You know, I am not sure if I can call poop “catches” anymore since I don’t participate actively in its deployment any more. He tells me, I direct him to scoot to the potty, and he takes care of business.

9/4 Thursday Day 932

Night EC: Miss
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Successful deployment

We had a miss last night because Mr. Independent decided that “Nyo! Nyo pee!” he has also been saying, “Nyo nap!” when I suggest it, but then five minutes later he’s crawled up on my lap asking for nay-nay then passes out cold. He just doesn’t have Itty Bitty’s Bladder of Steel so he needs to pee at least once no matter how much he protests. The waterproof trainer cover is getting a bit tight so I have been just doubling up his trainers in the event of a miss when both Imse Vimse trainers are dirty. He’s been really restless at night too. I think he’s teething those last two year molars on one side finally.

9/5 Friday Day 933

Night EC: miss
Day: No pee misses, except for a little damp mishap with Daddy Man when I was at work.
Poop: Successful deployment

Missed last night again. I was in a really deep sleep. On a brighter note, whether he has pants on or not doesn’t seem to affect our success rate anymore. The extra time he spent bottomless, for some reason, helped him to learn to signal before critical moment, and to hold it better. Go figure.

9/6 Saturday Day 934

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Successful deployment

Been working on Itty Bitty’s party. She’s been wanting a pinata for two years and I’m making one. A big one. Probably two big considering I’m a novice pinata maker. We’ll see how this goes. The things I get myself into sometimes.

9/7 Sunday Day 935

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Successful Deployment

9/8 Monday Day 936

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Successful Deployment

9/9 Tuesday Day 937

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Successful Deployment

We are amazed at Itty Bitty’s growing strength with the trapeze on the play structure. She has also had a big spurt in understanding number relationships and has gotten more adept at subtraction and addition. She still tries to “count over” from the beginning to add, but there are times where she is using patterns. She’ll see a group of 8 and then 2 and just say 10, for example. She can count to 100 by herself (though she still has trouble with those teens) and with prompting can count higher. She recognizes the pattern of numbers most of the time, though once in a while she “loses” it. He fine motor skills have improved too. She can color within lines better, has finer control of a pencil when copying numbers, uses scissors with more refinement, and can use glitter and glue with control. We’ve tried some reading/phonetics but something isn’t quite clicking yet…but she is right on the cusp. She can recognize some sight words of course, so she just needs to find a connection to make it all click.

Itty Bitty still has wordisms:
Diamond room (dining room)
Bemember (remember)
Free (three)
Barm (farm or barn)

She is always asking me, “What’s that word mean?” Whenever I say a “big” word she doesn’t recognize.

9/10 Wednesday Day 937

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Successful Deployment

9/11 Thursday Day 938

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Successful Deployment

Mini Moose still takes a late afternoon nap around 3:30pm like Itty Bitty did but…he also has been skipping a nap entirely once or twice a week now and then. Man…I don’t like it when he skips a nap! Today, I had had it with the two of them, and I made them both take a nap, which I normally don’t enforce naps. But I needed a nap myself, and it was one argument after another. No acknowledgement of hurts to each other, and increasingly dumb decisions about personal safety. I banished Itty Bitty to the floor bed in Mini Moose’s future room and told her if she didn’t take a nap, no TV with Daddy Man. (Yes, Yes, I know…but I was desperate). She tried a few times to pretend to sleep and come out and I’d just say, “I know you didn’t sleep,” and shooed her away. In about fifteen minutes she was out cold. Mini Moose gave me lip for a good ten minutes before he too passed out after nursing.

I got to have myself a much needed nap and quiet time. Ahhhh….Zzzzzzzzz.

9/12 Friday Day 939

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Successful Deployment

9/13 Saturday Day 940

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Successful Deployment

Mini Moose has been a real grouch. Which means he fights with is sister, wakes me up for non-pee reasons, and just makes this horrid screetching sounds. Boy…you BETTER be up to doing something amazing soon or else I’m going to have to eat you or build a trebuchet and launch you into the woods. Every morning it is the same arguments at the exact same time with the two of them! And the groping…can…we…stop…the…groping! Put your hands down! That include your elbow, and the back of your head, and your foot, and your knee, and your forehead, and the back of your hand. GAAAAAHHHH!

I’ve turned into he world’s worst angry Mogre (mom ogre).

9/14 Sunday Day 941

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Successful Deployment

9/15 Monday Day 942

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Successful Deployment

The pinata I was talking about…is going to kill me. Why couldn’t I do something simple? No…it has to be Twilight Sparkle with a saucy tilt to her head and jaunty leg that is as big as Itty Bitty. Sheesh. I’m also making rainbow cake, rainbow cupcakes and chocolate cupcakes. It should go pretty smoothly with the cakes. My experimental batches went well and didn’t take long.

I can’t believe summer is almost over and my little baby girl is turning five. I feel like my life is flashing before my eyes.

9/16 Tuesday Day 943

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Successful Deployment

9/17 Wednesday Day 944

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Successful Deployment

Can we stop the fighting kids or else mommy is going to lose her mind. No, wait, I already lost it! GROWWWWWWWWWWLL! I was so mad and done by evening that I left them both in the family bed with lights out for a couple of minutes. I let Her Royal Contraryness and His Royal Orneryness to stew for a while before I came back and turned on a light. I told them I was going to go sit with Daddy Man and if they left the room I was going to turn out the light again. They, surprisingly, stayed in the room playing with stuffies. When I came back Itty Bitty was passed out and Mini Moose was pouting a bit, but still playing quietly. Usually, I leave them with a movie when I do need to buy some time, but tonight they were so growl inducing I just blew my stack. Neither one of them gave me any lip when I carved myself out a spot on the bed. Mini Moose had nay-nays using proper manners and no groping attempts for once and fell asleep in five minutes.

9/18 Thursday Day 945

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Successful Deployment

Countdown to party. I have so much to do still!

9/19 Friday Day 946

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Successful Deployment

I am so not ready for the party! Despite all my planning and starting early, I just think I need another week! I baked the rainbow cake which was surprisingly easy (yes, I had six cake pans on hand…don’t ask why). The rainbow cupcakes took a bit longer beacause all my pastry bags were too big and I had to do them by hand. The chocolate ones were okay, but the kids distracted my brain and I accidentally put in an extra egg so the texture was more fudgy than cakey. Itty Bitty’s costume is ready, I did her hair for tomorrow, got all her accessories lined up. Decorations are ready to go except for the balloons.

Mini Moose appeared early in the afternoon. I asked Daddy Man…”Hey, where is Mini Moose I though he was with you?” We had no idea where he’d gone off too and then we heard the toilet flush! I went upstairs to see what he was doing and the door was closed. He opens it and comes strolling out. “Did you go potty?” I asked. “Yesh, I poot.” I blink, “You pooped?” He nodded, “Yesh, I poddy I fush.”

Well just hit me with a stick and color me flabbergasted. That was out of the blue!

9/20 Saturday Day 947

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses (despite a lot of distractions, Mini Moose just deferred to GrandMaMa for any potty assistance required).
Poop: Successful Deployment

Party Day! Thankfully it wasn in the afternoon because…you know…not ready. I mean the piece de resistance (the stupid pinata) is done and look fantastic. I did the signs last minute this morning for the games/stations: Pin the Tail on the Pinkie with Applejack (a big banner deco that will be used as decoration in Itty Bitty’s room), Fluttershy’s Critter Toss, Spike’s Treasure Hunt, Rarity’s Boutique (face painting, mousestaches and pony ears), Derpy Bubbles (need batteries!!), and of course Rainbow Dashe’s Pulverize the Pinata, and Zecora’s Mystery Cupcake (I made one cupcake vanilla marble so whoever eats it gets a surprise). I made potty ears last night, which thankfully didn’t take that long. I just hot glued my finger’s a lot. The cutting and putting them on the hair clips and head bands was super easy. The dang balloons were giving me trouble and set me back time wise. The air compressor we have with the new attachments I bought for it worked beautifully, but the day was hot and gusts of winds blew down my big balloon strings and they kept popping as the morning warmed up. I had to re-tie them with proper string I managed to find and made more balloons. I finally got a handle on it, but then it was getting down to the wire. I went in to make the whipped topping for the cake…and that’s when things went south…

The test whipped topping whipped fast, easy and was perfect. Today it just wasn’t cooperating. I couldn’t get it to work. I finally had to just work with it even though it was really too soft, but it had to do. Then I messed up when I frosted the top layer with the wrong color and had to salvage and make it work. Then all the pre-made cutie mark candies I’d cut the other day were all stuck together! I had to bang out cupcake decorations in five minutes. Oh, it was getting to be a disaster. Guests arrived, the food wasn’t out. Daddy Man came in to ask if I was okay, “NO, I’m not okay!” He put some of the snacks out and a threw together a snack tray that I forgot to prepare in the morning, threw small apples and bananas in the bowls for the kids. Then I went back to that STOOPID whipped topping, smacked it together on the cake and cupcakes. The cake layers were starting to list to one side and I managed to balance them somehow. Shoved on halfassed decorations on both trying to cover the flaws. It totally did not turn out looking out the way it was SUPPOSED to, but it came out pretty decent. It was almost an hour after party time that I finally got out there and started the games, took pictures and video. Whew!

Everyone seemed to have a lot of fun. The Pinata thankfully broke exactly when it was supposed to. Itty Bitty got hit in the head with the pinata stick…ouch! It was a big hit! The kids enjoyed the different games and stations. Treasure hung popular with the older kids and the critter toss went over really well with the little ones even though they all played them. The cake held up and didn’t fall over (well it listed a bit to the side when it was getting cut)! The kids were really, really excited that the cake was a rainbow and were cooing over the rainbow cupcakes. Nearly all the cupcakes were gobbled up. We had about half of a 8 inch cake left which isn’t bad considering about five adults declined cake entirely. Every kid went home with a prize and goodie bag. I didn’t put a lot of candy in the pinata (some smarties and chocolate crackles), mostly pencils, erasers, party noisemakers, some tops, glow bracelets, and some dissapointing slide whistles that broke before they even got used. Next time I’d go with plastic animals and more glow bracelets rather than cheap whistles. The pinata guts made a dandy fire too.

My baby brother, his wife, and their twin girls came and we all had a chance to chat and play after guests left. They ran into heavy traffic. Daddy Man made them steaks on the grill and the girls had a good time playing with party aftermath and the destruction that was in the playroom. The little kids at the party had come and gone in and out of the house and made a jolly mess. Itty Bitty, I am proud to say, made sure that “The inside toys stay inside, outside toys are for outside.” We have a HUGE yard that isn’t all connected together so finding small toys in all that is pretty much impossible. Thank you girl!

I am so tired. So…so tired.

Twilight Sparkle Pinata

The gigantic Twilight Sparkle Pinata.

9/21 Sunday Day 947

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Successful Deployment

Happy Fifth Birthday Itty Bitty!

I am still exhausted and we didn’t finish cleanup from yesterday. We took Itty Bitty out for her birthday breakfast and just pretty much stayed close to home. It rained all day with a lull in the afternoon and the the kids enjoyed playing in the warm puddles.

I wonder how many years of puddle splashing she has left? Of course, I hope she puddle splashes as an adult! It can be really hard to keep that little inner child sparked.

Itty Bitty you are growing so fast. Every so often I catch a glimpse of my little baby, and I miss the smell of your bald head. Sure, sometimes it smelled like armpit, but I could still get a great whiff of that baby perfume. You are so affectionate and headstrong. I am sorry if some days I feel all touched out, and aren’t as free with my hugs as you. I am sorry if sometimes I demand too much quiet or just can’t answer one more question. I don’t want you to stop asking questions or to stop challenging me, even when I raise my hands in exasperation. The world is still all new to you, and you haven’t yet grown tired. Though I know that I should try to see the world through your eyes, this Mama Bear just wants to curl up and hibernate for a while!

Know that I miss your noise when you aren’t near. Miss the questions once I’ve had my half hour of recharge time. I love your persistence and passion. Yes, I see how much better you are drawing cats and people. Yes, thank you for getting the laundry. You may not lick the window! Wow, look at how easily you can do a flip now! No, I don’t want help eating my piece of birthday cake. Thank you, but I don’t want to listen to that song a 61t time. Please, do not jump on my foot! Do not tie that around the cat! You’ve called me twenty times in sixty seconds, WHAT!? Yes, I love you too.

Month 30: A Time for Change – Day 878 to Day 913

Compare to Sister’s Blog:   Month 30:  Equinox



7/22 Tuesday Day 878 (29 Months)

Night EC: 1 night catch, 1 morning pee.
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Miss. Mini Moose ended up with pants on and pooped in them in the evening. Daddy Man is dumbstruck.

We are just baffled at how having pants on makes such a big difference. With pants off if Mini Moose starts going poop he squeezes his cheeks together, gets an urgent look on his face, makes the potty sign, and says “Poooooop!” And we rush or shoo him to the bathroom. With pants on it is like the signal gets crossed and he stands there like a deer stuck in headlights. “I’m pooping…what do I do?…Shoudl I say something…?” And we all know how critical those seconds are, and there is not time for thinking only action!


7/23 Wednesday Day 879

Night EC: 1 night catch, 1 morning pee.
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Catch. No pants.

7/24 Thursday Day 880

Night EC: 1 night catch, 1 morning pee.
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Catch. No pants.

7/25 Friday Day 881

Night EC: 1 night catch, 1 morning pee.
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Catch. No pants.

7/26 Saturday Day 882

Night EC: 1 night catch, 1 morning pee.
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Catch. No pants.

Arobatics are no problem for Itty Bitty, and Mini Moose is a swing pro!

Arobatics are no problem for Itty Bitty, and Mini Moose is a swing pro!

7/27 Sunday Day 883

Night EC: 1 night catch, 1 morning pee.
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Catch. No pants.

7/28 Monday Day 884

Night EC: 1 morning pee.
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Catch. No pants.

7/29 Tuesday Day 885

Night EC: 1 night catch, 1 morning pee.
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Catch. Miss, forgot to take pants off!

7/30 Wednesday Day 886

Night EC: 1 night catch, 1 morning pee.
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Catch. No pants.

Well, it seems that the pants are the key. As long as I remember to take them off first thing in the morning, Mini Moose comes to us in plenty of time. He gives the potty sign with his high pitched “mAY mAY” sound, we shoo him to the bathroom, he toddler trots, we lift him on the toilet and leave him to it. He gets down by himself or calls us to help with wiping by saying, “Ah poobed!” He’s also started going longer between between pees, havin more “epic pees” and starting to go longer at night sometimes going 5-6 hours. He wakes up in the middle of the night to pee.

7/31 Thursday Day 887

Night EC: 1 night catch, 1 morning pee.
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Catch. No pants.

8/1 Friday Day 888

Night EC: 1 night miss, 1 morning pee.
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Three Catches. No pants.

Sometimes we have the occasional miss at night when I am in the dream loopy state and notice the signs too late. The thick Imse Vimse trainers do an adequate job, but I only have two of those. When I haven’t washed them I double up Mini Moose in Gerber trainers (and yes, we use the pink ones too!). The waterproof cover is starting to get small on him I noticed so I don’t always use it. When we have a miss now, it is pretty big. I still have a our flannel wee-wee toppers on the bed just in case. Last night it was needed! Easier to change and toss than to deal with the whole bed. Yes, he goes right back to sleep because he’s used to it. We’ve done this since birth, so it’s just not that exciting for him to be awoken in the middle of the night. Once he can go all night without needing to pee it will be fantastic, but he may be like me and often have to get up to go unlike Itty Bitty who has bladder of steel. I was really night spoiled with her being night continent so early.

8/2 Saturday Day 889

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Catch. No pants.

8/3 Sunday Day 890

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Catch. No pants.

8/4 Monday Day 891

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Catch. No pants.

8/5 Tuesday Day 892

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Miss. Forgot about the pants!

Yeah, I left Mini Moose in pants after an outing. It’s funny, we are fine when we are out and he is fine running around bare bottomed either naked or in a long shirt. The moment we are home and he has pants on, it’s like a switch goes haywire. “I’m pooping. I have pants on! What do I do!? I am still pooping. I’m POOPING IN MY PANTS! I don’t want to poop my pants! Panic. Wait…I remember now. If I tell mommy or daddy they’ll help me get to the toilet.” I imagine that must be his inner dialoge because by the time he gets to the signal it is too late and we miss part of the poo. We are spoiled parents and we don’t like missing even part of a poo. Older kid poo is not cute baby poo. It just isn’t! Frankly, it stopped being “poo” a long time ago. It’s $hit. Sure, it is funny when they try to walk with a load in their pants, but that’s where the amusement ends and the gag reflex begins.

8/6 Wednesday Day 893

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Catch. (I don’t think I mentione that though he usually goes once a day, it is sometimes two or three times)

8/7 Thursday Day 894

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Catch

Usually for a pee or a poop, Mini Moose will come to me or Daddy Man for assitance. He really prefers the big toilet. He likes the inserts, but he is big enough and strong enough to easily balance on the toilet with out it. He can sit forwards fine, but I usually face him backwards since I think it is easier for him to aim his penis that way because the toilet is wider at the back. Sometimes I do send him to the bathroom on his own, “Go potty!” If I don’t follow him he will use the little potty. He has found that mounting it forward facing it backwards works the best not only for sitting, but also for aiming. He does also like to stand up and straddle it to pee, but his aim is sometimes off, so that is my least favorite configuration. It is very cute to watch him try to fix a misfire. He CAN climb on the big toilet on his own, but it is a lot of effort and I don’t blame him for wanting to be lifted. He’s just not as much into the “me do” as Itty Bitty was at this age. Then again, she is also a far better climber than he is. Mini Moose is more of a runner. He also likes clothes whereas Itty Bitty prefers being in the buff. It’s not that Mini Moose doesn’t like to be nude, but he will ask to put on a shirt on his own while Itty Bitty was usually taking them off.

8/8 Friday Day 895

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Catch

8/9 Saturday Day 896

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Catch

8/10 Sunday Day 897

Night EC: 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Catch

8/11 Monday Day 898

Night EC: 1 morning catch (If we have need for a night catch it is usually between 2:30 and 3:30am)
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Catch

8/12 Tuesday Day 899

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Catch

Happy 8th Anniversary Daddy Man! I got my favorite lavender flowers. I can’t believe it has been 7 years already.

8/13 Wednesday Day 900

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Catch

Things on the EC front are obviously very routine and uninteresting. The poop was really our last conundrum. We don’t really mind that he needs to be naked. Less laundry, too. He’ll eventually get the hang of his pants and have the desire to take them off.

8/14 Thursday Day 901

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Miss. Curse the pants!

Itty Bitty and Mini Moose disagree over how to put together a floor puzzle!

Itty Bitty and Mini Moose disagree over how to put together a floor puzzle!

8/15 Friday Day 902

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Catch

Mini Moose is growing so fast. Still working on those molars and we know how much of a pill toddlers can be when they are teething. But now I can leave Mini Moose alone for short stretches outside with Itty Bitty so I can run into the house for a quick potty break. Itty Bitty looks out for him, but they will continue playing. And having a back door makes it easy to pop in and out. It’s nice not to have to be right on top of either of them to supervise. I can sit across the yard and do my own thing while they play together. Mini Moose and Itty Bitty have free reign to go in and out of the house (as long as they remember to close the screen so the cats stay in), and they have a very large wander radius of the yard being able to play on the driveway at their leisure. Mini Moose and Itty Bitty tend to stay in proximity. Often that proximity is right up my butt, but at least that means they aren’t going to run off right?

Mini Moose like Itty Bitty, now has carte blanche to wander the house even if I’m still in bed. He’ll go play in the play room, or hand me the remote control to watch a cartoon in the morning. I’ve heard him somtimes playing by himself in the playroom while I and Itty Bitty are still trying to catch sleep for up to an hour. Yesterday morning he even came back to bed, curled up, and went back to sleep. That’s a far better scenario than the one where he was enjoying lifting my eyelids and rubbing his head on my boobs like a suckling pig.

I guess I should mention too that he still nurses but I’ve had to drastically cut his demands to three times a day because it has been hurting and he’s been leaving teeth marks. I think my period hormones are messing with my supply and comfort. I have to be careful not to accidentally wean him, so I need to stay on top of refusing his requests. It has been really hard though. With Itty Bitty it was different because when he was born supply was abundant and he was generating plenty of oxytocin. Now that he is at that age and there is no new baby, he just isn’t creating that hormone rush like before. When women talk of nursing aversion, I think most of that has to do with lower oxytocin levels. Toddlers just don’t suckle like newborns…it is just different…and it is hard to explain how.

8/16 Saturday Day 903

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Catch

8/17 SUNday Day 904

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Catch

8/18 Monday Day 909

Night EC: 1 morning catch. Wow, that was big.
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Catch. We were panicked because we left his pants on, but we managed without incident. Pants off is still the way to go, but we can see he will eventually be okay with pants on too.

8/19 Tuesday Day 910

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Catch

8/20 Wenesday Day 911

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Catch

8/21 Thursday Day 912

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Catch

8/22 Friday Day 913

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Catch

Month 29: Grin and Bare It – Day 848 to Day 877

Compare to Sister’s Blog:   Month 29:  Changes Afoot


Helping Daddy Man "Here Da-dee."

Helping Daddy Man
“Here Da-dee.”

6/22 Sunday Day 848 (28 Months)

Night EC: Same 1 night catch, then morning pee.
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: 50/50

Same old.  Same old.    No worries!  I expect Mini Moose to leap forward suddenly, rather than taking progressive steps like Itty Bitty.  That’s just how it rolls!

6/23 Monday Day 849

Night EC: Same 1 night catch, then morning pee.
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Miss.

I don’t think I mentioned it some weeks ago, I got several card games for Itty Bitty — Crazy 8s, War, Go Fish, Slap Jack — and some number/color card games for Mini Moose at the dollar store. This is to go along with Itty Bitty’s interest in learning time which requires that she better understand counting and rules. She has a learning clock, but she likes games more. We’ve also been practicing more with simple addition and subtraction in our conversations. Daddy Man does a tooth brushign countdown (rather a count up) from 1 to 100. That in itself has really helped her with counting even though she still has trouble in the teens. The new simple 100 abacus doesn’t interest her that much, but it does seem to be helping her learn to count by tens and to do simple adding with the visual and tactile component. Plus, it is really fun to make the beads spin.

6/24 Tuesday Day 850

Night EC: Same 1 night catch, then morning pee.
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Miss.

6/25 Wednesday Day 851

Night EC: Same 1 night catch, then morning pee.
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Catch!

I made muffins this morning for our trip, charged up all our stuff last night, finished packing the little stuff, made sure the laundry was empty, went to work, finished up my grades and we are ready to leave tonight. I think this is the first time I had everything done early, and yet I know I’m still going to forget something. DH yet again tried to get ahead of me. He picked up my suitcase which was not yet zipped because I had to put something in it…dropped it and spilled the contents out. Luckily most of it was tied down with the straps. I tell him every year not to proceed without my okay because some things can’t go until we are just ready to leave and I need to know where things are. Not only because I need to know if we have everything, but somethings I need easy access too in the car.

6/26 Thursday Day 852

Night EC: Not applicable
Day: 1 miss.
Poop: Catch.

Annual Trip Day 1: The weather last night was horrid…horrid..horrid. Heavy fog, heavy rain, low visibility, and heavy construction that we didn’t know about. Luckily Daddy Man is an exceptional drivier but it was really scary for a time. We drove all night and arrived around 2:00pm the next day. The kids slep through most of it. Itty Bitty is an old pro with this trip, Mini Moose did excellent and we only had one pee accident because we were just unable to stop in the construciton zone. Daddy Man was very stressed and we may not do a night drive again even though it went well last year. We had breakfast at a Bob Evans so Daddy Man’s spirits were lifted. The kids got to see a ridiculous amount of fireflies tonight and they were high energy.

6/27 Friday Day 853

Night EC: Same 1 night catch, then morning pee.
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Miss. And what an epic miss it was. I told Daddy Man the next one was his turn.

Trip Day 2: Itty Bitty seems to have a low grade fever today that seems to go between 99 and 101.5. ARRRGH. She seems fine though, has no complaints. He appetite isn’t up and she has to be persuaded to drink water. Daddy Man decided to get her some flavored water and she gulped it down. It must be that part of it is that she doesn’t like the taste of the local water.

6/28 Saturday Day 854

Night EC: Same 1 night catch, then morning pee.
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Miss. Daddy Man was horrified. He suggested we burn the underwear.

Trip Day 3: Itty Bitty still has a fever so we aren’t going to visit anyone today, just stay in at the house and keep contact to a minimum. We are trying to keep Itty Bitty well hydrated and not have her be out in the sun too much. She’s not happy about that, but a new coloring and cut book soothed her sick feathers.

6/29 Sunday Day 855

Night EC: Same 1 night catch, then morning pee.
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Miss.

6/30 Monday Day 856

Night EC: Same 1 night catch, then morning pee.
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Catch. Thank goodness! Mini Moose hasn’t had a banana in days and has eaten many blueberries.

Trip Day 4: Itty Bitty’s fever seems to be staying around 99 to normal today so we ventured out. By afternoon, it seemed to be gone for good.

7/1 Tuesday Day 857

Night EC: Same 1 night catch, then morning pee.
Day: 1 pee miss. Oops. Mommy and Daddy totally dropped the ball on it.
Poop: 1 catch, 1 miss.

Trip Day 5: Wait. What? When did it become JULY?

7/2 Wednesday Day 858

Night EC: Same 1 night catch, then morning pee.
Day: 2 pee misses in the morning.
Poop: Miss. Eerk. Too many blueberries…wow…I can’t even describe it.

Trip Day 6:

7/3 Thursday Day 859

Night EC: Same 1 night catch, then morning pee.
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: 75% catch

Trip Day 7: We are leaving this morning, stopping to have breakfast at Daddy Man’s favorite breakfast place Bob Evans. He plans on driving through the day and we will stop sometime in the evening for the night then starting again tomorrow morning. There is a BIG storm front going across several states where we will be driving and he doesn’t want to get caught in it even during the day. He’s studied the radar and has an idea of how long we have, though we will still be driving through some of it. He’d rather not risk another drive through the construction zone even in broad daylight in bad weather. No argument from me!

7/4 Friday Day 860

Night EC: Same 1 night catch, then morning pee.
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Miss.

Happy Fourth of July! The storm was really band and we stopped just in time and finished the drive this morning and afternoon. The storm was bad enough that the fourth activites have been postponed in many places, so we still get to see fireworks!

Mini Moose is sick and has a fever. NOOOOO. Around 10:00pm Itty Bitty said, “My brudder feels hot.” It was hot in the house and he had just taken a nap all curled up in a ball so I figure it was that. I go and kiss his face and…yeah…he had a fever. It was 100 when I checked it. I can only assume that it was the same mystery illness Itty Bitty had a week ago. 7-10 day incubation make sense. She didn’t have any symptoms other than the fever and some mild intestinal distress output. I’m guessing its a stomach bug, but it is hard to say.

7/5 Saturday Day 861

Night EC: Same 1 night catch, then morning pee.
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Miss. Wow…it was foul.

Mini Moose’s fever went up to 102.5 You try not to worry and you know that it isn’t that high (and it hasn’t even been twenty four hours yet), but you can’t help that feeling. Mini Moose is drinking and nursing well, he is eating a little too. He seems otherwise fine. Other than looking red faced and not being active when his fever is high, Mini Moose acts quite normal if the fever is 101.5 and below. When it got up to 103 I gave him something to ease the discomfort (body aches, headache) I knew he was having because he was reluctant to drink. I decided on Ibuprofen because it was that high, but DAMMIT one does knocked the fever right down to normal after three hours instead of it staying at a reasonable 101 or so. I wasn’t trying to knock the fever out. Unfortunately, that created a rebound fever of almost 104 when it wore off. I didn’t panic. I had a feeling that was going to happen. Mini Moose was still interactive and responsive and drinking and all that cooled down his head, feet, and back with cool cloths while I waited for the dose of Tylenol to take effect so I could give him a lukewarm sponge down. I didn’t didn’t want to do a body cooldown without something to manage the rebound. After a couple of hours it went down to 102 to 102.5 and stayed there for quite a few hours before it settled on the range of 101 to 102. I’ve never had Ibruprofen knock out a fever to nothing like that before, I’m wondering exactly why it did that. I know that when you give something and do cooling measures and the fever doesn’t go down at all…that is something to worry about. Still, I’ve had a fever of 104 and it is very unpleasant, so I wanted him to be comfortable and to continue to stay well hydrated.

Daddy Man took Itty Bitty with Grandma to go eat and see fireworks. I was thoroughly jealous when they came back and told us about the delicous meal they had, the best vantage point they had in order to see three towns worth of fireworks. Thanks for the germs Itty Bitty.

7/6 Sunday Day 862

Night EC: Same 1 night catch, then morning pee.
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Miss. Messy messy…and many times. Must have been a stomach bug.

Mini Moose’s fever seems to go between normal and 101 today. I haven’t given him any meds since the second dose of tylenol after the rebound fever. He slept really well. He woke up hungry. Too hungry because he ate way too fast, threw it all up, and then wanted to eat again. That is the only case of vomiting we had, and that was entirely due to the rapidity of ingestion and not actually chewing.

By evening he’d been normal for several hours so we went to see some local fireworks. Mini Moose was fine and then his fever came back to around 99 to 100 (according to the Mommy Kiss Test). He was riding on my back in the Mei Tai, and took a nap. He was otherwise happy, so we stayed. After we got home a few hours later, he was completely back to normal.

This has got to be one of the more weird, mystery illnesses we’ve had.

7/7 Monday Day 863

Night EC: Same 1 night catch, then morning pee.
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Miss. I am so tired of cleaning poop. Especially aftermath sick poop.

Daddy Man started putting together our new metal shed yesterday. Not what we originally wanted, but Daddy Man gets pretty feisty when he orders something and it doesn’t arrive. The other place that was going to install the wood one called us last minute to re-re-re-schedule just before we left for our trip, so Daddy Man decided to go another route. I have to say though that the directions are about as clear as mud…in the dark…in a fog bank…in a heavy rain. Need I say more?

7/8 Tuesday Day 864

Night EC: Same 1 night catch, then morning pee.
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Catch.

Brought my jeep in to have a look at the funny sounding wheel. The guy looked a little harried. He seemed to be the only one there and swamped. I told him it was no rush because I was on vacation from work and I lived only a ten minute walk away.

7/9 Wednesday Day 865

Night EC: Same 1 night catch, then morning pee.
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Miss.

7/10 Thursday Day 866

Night EC: Same 1 night catch, then morning pee.
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Miss.

Daddy Man left for his car trip today. He’s taking his “baby” to a car show out of state with his Uncle and he’ll be back on Sunday. He’s planned it out over a year ago, and I’m glad he gets to go. Nothing like seeing your husband’s face light up like a little boy when he talks about something. The kids and I will miss him, but he is good about calling.

Daddy Man shares construction tips to curious Itty Bitty.

Daddy Man shares construction tips to curious Itty Bitty.

7/11 Friday Day 867

Night EC: Same 1 night catch, then morning pee.
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Miss.

The outdoor playset for the kids arrived today. The driver though refused to drive on our long driveway to deliver it. I told him that we got MANY deliveries and no truck had ever had a problem with the drive or the trees (our driveway is epically long). He wanted to leave it on the sidewalk…except the boxes are big and we don’t have a sidewalk! He asked me if I had my own hand truck or hauler of some sort…and I said, “Why would I have that? Everyone just drives down the drive to deliver at the door.” Some of them even back in since the driveway is so straight. I asked him if he could at least bring two boxes and I’d open the other two and bring them piece by piece down our drive. I think that when he saw the two littles come out of the house, he decided to put on his “nice pants” and used his hand truck to bring them down the drive. If Daddy Man had been here, I KNOW he wouldn’t have done that. Sad, but true. I would have brought the pieces to the yard one by one and made 100 trips if I needed too. I wasn’t about to let him take it back undelivered.

Got the Jeep back late today. It turned out to be just some rust and a rubbing panel. He cleaned the rust and bent back whatever was rubbing. It only cost $80 this time. I think though the guy was a little nice with the price since he had it for several days. I’m just happy the wheel was safe.

7/12 Saturday Day 868

Night EC: Same 1 night catch, then morning pee.
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Miss.

I found a recipe for hand made Kaiser rolls that you “tie” into shape. They came out really, really good though I let them rise a little too long. Itty Bitty approved and she even “tied” one mostly on her own. Grandmama took us all out to see How to Tame Your Dragon 2 this afternoon. It was nice to get out.

I FINALLY got a chance to turn Itty Bitty’s seat around forward since she is out of the weight limit for rear facing now. Since we haven’t driven anywhere other than a few blocks to the grocery store, I hadn’t done it because I kept forgetting. I decided to turn the Britax since it was just easier. By the time Mini Moose out grows the rear in the True Fit (which was originally Itty Bitty’s), it will be expired and I will switch him to the Britax (which was originally his) and get Itty Bitty a new seat.

7/13 Sunday Day 869

Night EC: Same 1 night catch, then morning pee.
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Catch! 2x!

Daddy Man arrived late last night and we spent a few hours starting to put the playset together before it rained. The directions are very thorough, but a bit confusing in places so we had a hard time. Plus one of the pieces had a mis-drilled hole and Daddy Man had to saw off 1/4 of an inch to right the wrong. It wasn’t a major structural piece that needed to be cut and it would have no effect on the structure. Then we got eaten alive by mosquitoes just before it started to rain.

Mini Moose was bare bottomed in the house once we came in and TWICE he alerted us about poop…BEFORE…with more than seconds to spare and before it was beyond the point of no return for those frustrating half-catches.


Have we found the Poop Grail? Mini Moose likes clothes. He’s not a stripper like Itty Bitty. He always asks for a shirt, and brings us his underpants to put on…but…could this be the key to Pooptopia!?

7/14 Monday Day 870

Night EC: Same 1 night catch, then morning pee.
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Catch!

Dealing with the laundry that just won’t die. Mini Moose was bare all morning and we caught the poop with time to spare after his signal! After that, he had on underpants.

Funny story. Daddy Man came home after work and had to use the bathroom. Mini Moose followed him and Daddy Man told me that between the cat and the toddler he was having trouble voiding his bladder. Mini Moose said, “Pee?” then paused and said, “Pee!” and apparantly realized Daddy Man was having trouble so switched to, “Pss Pss.” to try and help his Daddy to “go”. Hah!

Mini Mooseisms:
Wahbahdoo = Where are you?
Ahfineyoo=I’m coming to find you!
Beshoo=Bless you (after you sneeze)
Scoozeyoo=Excuse you (after burps)
Bundee=Band aid
Eye-Teest?= I taste? (Can I have a taste?)
Bug?=Any beetle or flying insect.
Shirdoft=Shirt off
Ahpayne=Airplane (an upgrade from Shoom shoom)
Como-fah-me=Come on. Follow me.
Appo-co?= Apple core (Is this an apple core? — Learned from his sister)
I fush?= I flush (the toilet)?
Ah-entee=It’s empty.
Woad Wunna=Road Runner
WooWoo=A Siren
Ya Wehcoo=Your Welcome
Shink? = Should I put this in the sink?
FyeFye = Super Why (cartoon)
Nots=Octonaughts (cartoon)

7/15 Tuesday Day 871

Night EC: Same 1 night catch, then morning pee.
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Catch!

Being completely bare, Mini Moose is taking more initiative. He sometimes asks for his pants, but I’m seeing how putting him off goes. He still insists on a shirt. So it is funny that Itty Bitty is only wearing underwear and nothing else, and Mini Moose is in a shirt and nothing else!

Itty Bitty today, after we made muffins and ate a few says to me, “Ten take away three is seven. There are seven muffins left.”
Yeah, we don’t need no stinkin’ early kindergarten or preschool! Life and playing games is how we learn best. We talk together, cook together (well unless I am in one of my crabby moods), play games, read, watch some educational cartoons like Cyberchase or Superwhy, and the kids play their learning game apps. All of this is way better than worksheets. Mini Moose, just like Itty Bitty, suddenly one day was able to do the more complex chunky puzzles.

7/16 Wednesday Day 872

Night EC: 1 night catch, 1 morning pee.
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Miss. Forgot to take his pants off.

I probably should mention that Mini Moose, while still insisting on waking me up in the morning and making me a grumpy grumple grrr monster, has taken to going into the play room on his own to play with cars instead of always trying to shove the remote in my face in order to watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Since we don’t watch TV during the day, the only time they get to watch toons is when I’m still peeling open one eye at a time in bed. He’s also been doing more spontaneous pretend play. He usually just follows with whatever Itty Bitty has come up with and repeats whatever she is doing, but when he happens to be alone on occasion I’ve heard him babbling and making action noises with various stuffies, trains, ponies, and random figurines.

Chores Mini Moose Does:
He’s done these for a year now but worth mentioning again since he is older and better at them.

Puts dish in sink rather than bring it to me when he’s done.
Picks up cars and blocks and puts them in the bucket without constant guidance. I can now say, “put the cars in the orange bucket” and he does so.
Puts back his toothbrush in the drawer without reminding.
Empties the little potty if he uses it (though not without incident…I have to head him off to help guide or else it isn’t pretty.)
Sweeps with the swiffer.
Puts wet laundry in the dryer (though he tends to get over excited and close it before we are done.)
Empties dishwasher and hands me dishes, but puts the silverware in the drawer with a clatter that Itty Bitty then sorts out.
Feed the cats with Itty Bitty with Daddy Man.
Collects sticks in the yard with Itty Bitty when asked.

7/17 Thursday Day 873

Night EC: 1 night catch, 1 morning pee.
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Catch! I remembered to remove pants first thing this morning.

7/18 Friday Day 874

Night EC: 1 night catch, 1 morning pee.
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Catch! (no pants)

7/19 Saturday Day 875

Night EC: 1 night catch, 1 morning pee.
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Partial miss. Forgot to take his pants off later in the afternoon.

7/20 Sunday Day 876

Night EC: 1 miss. I fell back to sleep all groggy. It wasn’t a full miss, but Mini Moose was not pleased either.
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Catch! I remembered to remove pants first thing this morning.

Daddy Man has been hard at work putting up the new play structure. Itty Bitty calls it the “Play Constructor” and she calls instructions “Constructions”. I am so going to miss it when she stops with the wordisms! I have to say that it is a Gorilla play set and it came with fantastic instructions with a few minor irritations. Nothing like the mess of halfassed instructions that the shed came with. The major complaint from Daddy Man is the hardware. Yet again, they were kind of low quality and getting stripped. That’s not to say that they are the worst. They are strong enough overall to do the job well, but there was some skimping on the heads making them easily strippable. Hands down, the shed hardware was the cheapest cheap out I’ve ever seen. Horrid. Not only do those strip, but the pointy end of the screws go blunt very easily making it hard to put them in the metal.

7/21 Monday Day 877

Night EC: 1 night catch, 1 morning pee.
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Miss. Dagnabbit, forgot to take his night pants off this morning!

Month 28: You Do Now Me Do – Day 817 to Day 847

Compare to Sister’s Blog:   Month 28:  No Mommy, I Do It Myself

Itty Bitty shows off to Mini Moose.

Itty Bitty shows off to Mini Moose.

5/22 Thursday Day 817 (27 Months)

Night EC: The usual. 1 night, then morning.
Day: No misses.
Poop: 50/50

The months are flying by so quickly!   We are in a pretty good routine and are trying to enjoy the weather as it comes.  I wish I’d made more money this past year as that would make things a bit easier on the budget.  There are small things in the house I’d like to fix, and classes at the local Y that I’d like to enroll the kids in — but we’ll have to be more creative with the freebies for a little while longer.  Maybe next year I can get Itty Bitty into the Montessori school down the street a couple of days a week as a sort of “kindergarten” prep.  I think she’d really enjoy it.     I have been teaching her a lot, of course, as we do daily things.  She’s still keen on school and has been talking about it more and more.  I think she misses story time too, but I’ve been taking it easy on the jeep as it needs to survive another year.

5/23 Friday Day 818

Night EC: Two night pees.
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Miss.

All I can say about the poop mishaps is…Ewww. How can something so cute produce something so foul! I think I need to up the banana intake a tad.

5/24 Saturday Day 819

Night EC: 1 night pee, then big morning pee.
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: 75% catch!

It is becoming a norm to hear Mini Moose give is potty sound and sign and me going, “Eeek! To the potty…go go go! Poop goes in the potty! Scoot Scoot!” In our efforts to get him to the toilet. It is also funny for me to hear my DH somewhere in the house saying, “WAIT! Wait Wait…oh please wait almost there!”

5/25 Sunday Day 820

Night EC: Missed a night pee, then caught big morning pee.
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Miss.

We haven’t had a miss at night in a long time. It was a big one too. He did drink quite a bit of water and I didn’t awaken and understand what he was trying to tell me in time. He’s started to do the crawl around randomly in his half-sleep like Itty Bitty used to. We rarely night nurse now, so that makes a difference in how he wakes me up now.

5/26 Monday Day 821

Night EC: Missed a night pee, then caught big morning pee.
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Miss.

We are still trying to work out a way to get our poop coordination more compatible. It is so hit and miss that I know that it will just take one thing to get us on that high catch rate track.

5/27 Tuesday Day 822

Night EC: Caught night pee.
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: 90% catch

We seem to be back on track with the night pee. I think without the night nursing I’ve had to re-learn his new wiggling/restless signal. I’ve got to be careful now that we aren’t night nursing not to put him off too much during the day. I’ve found that I’ve got some nursing aversion that I think is related not only to stress, but to the shift in my hormones during menstruation. He’s been upset and I’ve been annoyed — I feel bad and then he gets over zealous and leaves suckling tooth marks. Not a good mix. We will get through it, but this time I don’t have a new baby to bring a surge of oxytocin. His face is changing and his suckle is very different, so I don’t think I’m getting the nursing feel-good hormone surges like I used to. I find that I’m having to distract myself while he nurses. I’d like to continue to to at least 3.5 so that he gets the benefits of the unreproducible components in my milk and also to help his jaw development. Itty Bitty still asks to nurse now and then, but she really has forgotten how. Four and a half years was a good run…so I can’t complain! Sometimes I really miss it when I think of how little she was and how much she has changed over the past year.

5/28 Wednesday Day 823

Night EC: Usual 1 night, then morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Miss. Dagnabbit!

5/29 Thursday Day 824

Night EC: Usual 1 night, then morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Miss.

5/30 Friday Day 825

Night EC: Usual 1 night, then morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Catch!

5/31 Saturday Day 826

Night EC: Usual 1 night, then morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Miss.

6/1 Sunday Day 827

Night EC: Usual 1 night, then morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: 50/50

6/2 Monday Day 828

Night EC: Usual 1 night, then morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Miss.

6/3 Tuesday Day 829

Night EC: Usual 1 night, then morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: 50/50

6/4 Wednesday Day 830

Night EC: Usual 1 night, then morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Miss.

6/5 Thursday Day 831

Night EC: Usual 1 night, then morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Miss.

We have a good night routine going. He wakes up by crawling on my face and annoying me, I wake up and open one eye, I stand him up on the floor at the edge of the bed as I lean over, I grab the pee cup as I pull down his pants, and he pees in it with his eyes closed. I pull his pants up and we resume sleep after jockeying for bed real estate. Itty Bitty, Night Bladder of Steel, remains oblivious to this rustling.

6/6 Friday Day 832

Night EC: Usual 1 night, then morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Miss.

I’ve found a blueberry muffin recipe that is easy, tasty, and works equally well with leftover yogurt whey, dry buttermilk, fresh buttermilk, yogurt, or sour cream. It makes ten muffins. Pretty much by the end of the day they are gone. It has a tad more sugar than I think they need, so I’ll have to adjust it each time we make it to find the balance.

6/7 Saturday Day 833

Night EC: Usual 1 night, then morning catch
Day: 2 pee misses.
Poop: Catch!

6/8 Sunday Day 834

Night EC: Usual 1 night, then morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Miss.

6/9 Monday Day 835

Night EC: Usual 1 night, then morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: 50/50

6/10 Tuesday Day 836

Night EC: Usual 1 night, then morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: 50/50

I probably should mention that when we are out we continue to have no problems. I can’t remember the last time we had a carseat accident and usually when we are out visiting, as long as I remember to take him before we leave, and upon arrival — we don’t have an accident. It is also very easy to pee him quickly in an old soda bottle or any kind of cup. With Itty Bitty it always had to be a wider container, so peeing him on the fly when I do forget to be proactive is not an issue at all.

Homemade flubber!

Homemade flubber!

6/11 Wednesday Day 837

Night EC: Usual 1 night, then morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Miss.

Mini Moose has been leaving the bed early in the morning lately to go and play in the playroom by himself when I dont’ want to get up yet, and Itty Bitty is still alseep. Sometimes he hands me the remote control for me to put on morning cartoons, and other times he just goes to play with cars. He loves cars. Itty Bitty liked cars and she loved trains…but Mini Moose has a love of Vroom Vrooms that goes way beyond her love of choo-choos. DH has added to our collection of tracks and cars and it is borderline getting out of hand. Toy containment to the play room is very crucial!

Mini Moose has also started to sing more. We have caught the melodies for Itsy Bitsy spider with the finger motions and ABC. He also has begun to develop a curiosity for puzzles. He can do chunky puzzles easily, having learned how to turn them and also to match pictures. The 20 piece wood puzzles are too much for him, much to his confusion! And I don’t know how or when, but he has learned color matching. We have a Melissa and Doug flower board with gears and he matches the color. I have even heard him say some of the colors like blue, purple, red, yellow…and I swear I heard orange. It is amazing what they learn all on their own. He is doing pretend play with Itty Bitty. He’s been acting like a dog and cat for a while now, but he also is now trying to engage in her adventure fantasy play with Little Ponies, dinosaurs, stuffies, and other figures. His finger grip on pencils and crayons is much better, and he is delighted that he can get consistent color on paper. Whatever Shishta (Sister) does, Mini Moose must do also. He does like some independent play like Aweddy, Shet, GO! (Ready, Set, Go) with a car tower he has.

Itty Bitty has quadrupled her interest in cutting and free-drawing. She pays attention to details like claws, tails, accessories, hair, and backgrounds. She also has taught herself to cut curves. Every picture has a story. She has been drawing beaches a lot…I guess that’s a hint!

Mini Moose Wordism:
Buppin! = Muffins
Ohguck = Yogurt
FyFy = Super Why (a Cartoon)
Wyco = Wild Kratts (a Cartoon — Itty Bitty used to call them Wild Craps…I miss that.)
SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEETCH = I am sure these are a string of Toddler swears aimed directly at his Shishta

6/12 Thursday Day 838

Night EC: Usual 1 night, then morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: 50/50

6/13 Friday Day 839

Night EC: Same 1 night catch, then morning pee.
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Miss.

I think it is funny when Mini Moose takes the phone out of our hands to have nonsenical babble conversation with Grams and Papa, or Grandma. It has that lilting sing-song tone people have when they talk without being actual words. Every once in a while you’ll hear an actual word, and he makes hand gestures, then finally when he is done he will say Bye-bye, See Soo (See you soon), hand you the phone and walk away.

6/14 Saturday Day 840

Night EC: Same 1 night catch, then morning pee.
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Miss.

Mini Moose is “reading” Brown Bear Brown bear. He’s been sing-songing in the car when DH and I have been on long drives with the kids and we couldn’t figure it out, until one day it just hit me. He’s reciting Brown Bear Brown Bear! We tend to read that book with a rhythm and that was what Mini Moose was saying with a few distinguishable words here and there. And NOW I know where he picked up color recognition! With Itty Bitty teaching her colors was more deliberate because she was the only one and the first one you get all excited. When you go to the useless baby well visit and they ask you about the first if she knows all her body parts you say YES and thensome! With the second you kind of lose energy and at those same visits you look at them and snort, “He’s the second. I’m sure he knows what his elbow is, but I don’t ask him about it.”

He does know them now, but it was more passive. He learned armpits becase I was playing a game asking him to point to things and armpit was to get him to raise his hand so I could tickle him. He waits for it now, and giggles before I have a chance to attack.

6/15 Sunday Day 841

Night EC: Same 1 night catch, then morning pee.
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Catch!

So, I’ve mentioned before that Mini Moose is not a big “me do myself” for most things, though he does get really mad if you do something for him that he wants to do himself! He’s taken lately to wanting to climb into the carseat himself. He’s been able to climb into the carseats by himself for over a year, but he had not desire too. This is what I meant when i said that he is more than capable of going toilet all by himself, but he prefers assitance. He is also very particular about flushing. “I fwush?” And if you forget and flush instead, oh my he gets mad! I’ve had to do a lot of apologizing. At the same time, I also had to be firm with Mr. Plucky Duck who was flushing on a whim. I admit I yelled at him several times. I HATE it when I lose my cool. I’ve got to really work on that. The stress-yell cycle is not a hamster wheel that I want to be on, but I am aware that I get stuck on it.

6/16 Monday Day 842

Night EC: Yep, the usual. We got this night EC down.
Day: 4 misses. Just one of those days.
Poop: Miss.

6/17 Tuesday Day 843

Night EC: Same 1 night catch, then morning pee.
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Miss.

6/18 Wednesday Day 844

Night EC: Same 1 night catch, then morning pee.
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Catch! Thank goodness because we ran out of bananas the other day. That does not make for good output.

6/19 Thursday Day 845

Night EC: Same 1 night catch, then morning pee.
Day: 3 misses.
Poop: Two misses.

I think I’ve been making made faces too often lately, because Mini Moose gave me furrowed brow today and Itty Bitty has been up in my space like she’s trying to crawl back into my uterus. I’m afraid I have NOT been handling stress very well. I’ve been a really grouch, growly, annoyed, curmudgeon of a Mom.

6/20 Friday Day 846

Night EC: Same 1 night catch, then morning pee.
Day: 1 pee miss.
Poop: Miss.

My mood has put me off nursing and I’ve got to be especially careful not to accidentally wean him. It’s just been really difficult. Itty Bitty wants to help with everything and she repeats herself five times, I get the bubbling irritation that spills over. I’m having a really hard time balancing my introvert needs with the extroverted needs of children. I don’t get my recharge times alone as often as I think I need, and I am feeling so tired and listless. I’ve got to start packing for our annual out of state trip to visit family. That means I need to get organized and do all the laundry. It’s not been a good couple of weeks.

6/21 Saturday Day 847

Night EC: Same 1 night catch, then morning pee.
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Miss.

Summer is finally here, and yet it feels like it is already over.

Month 26: Round Two – Day 755 to Day 786

Compare to Sister’s Blog:   Month 26:  Self-Reliance

Chicken Pox

Mini Moose Chicken Pox

3/22 Saturday Day 755 (25 Months)
Night EC: Usual 5:30AM pee, plus a bonus pee at 2AM that missed the wee pad and since I was in a deep sleep, Mini Moose sat on my face with his wet pants to wake me up. Thanks Little Dude for the most memorable wake-up call ever.
Day: Dry
Poop: The usual 1/2 catch, 1/2 miss

We get to go to a party today for an old friend’s daughter’s fourth birthday. It will be a nice change to get out. We’ve been so cooped up all winter between the cold and plagues.

3/23 Sunday Day 756

Night EC: Usual 5:30AM pee
Day: 1 miss in the morning as I was cooking and he signaled me at the most inconvenient time.
Poop: And the prize goes to Daddy Man!

It’s so cold out again today. Daddy Man tried to make a run for sandbox supplies and someone pointed out a flat tire to him and he drove all the way back home without supplies so he was bummed. I went out for a grocery stocking trip. I had to go to two stores…the one closest to use is so much more expensive so I got their best sales and then moved on to another market. I was gone 2 1/2 hours and Daddy Man asked me if something went wrong when I was gone! The 30 minutes was drive time, and 30 minutes was total checkout time. Considering that you have to watch price specials, then compare unit price with regular, and search the store when they move things…I thought I did it in record time! I do a stocking trip about eveyr 6 weeks.

3/24 Monday Day 757

Night EC: Usual 5:30AM pee

Chicken Pox Round 2: Day 1
Yes, that’s right Mini Moose decided to manifest with the chicken pox late last night. Itty Bitty discovered some “mystery spots” on his back and declared, “He has Chicken Pox!” Dagnabbit. Why couldn’t they have it at the same time! I totally thought we were in the clear. I’d been checking for mystery spots on him every day since Daddy Man’s diagnosis and the one day I don’t look thinking we are in the clear, he develops spots. The Fates have a sense of humor for sure.

I wasn’t 100% sure he had the pox until a classic blister popped up on his head. Since he still doesn’t have a lot of hair, it is fairly easy to smooth your hand over his noggin and feel bumps. The ones on his back, don’t seem to be blistering classically, at least not yet. I’ll know for sure by the end of the day. He’s got a good cluster on his left side, a few on his back, one behind each hear, a few on his face, some on his belly, and three on his kibbles and bits. From experiments with Itty Bitty, I decided the first course of treatment for him is coconut oil and vitamin E since it seemed to give Itty Bitty instant relief. I’m hoping it will tame the erupting box so he won’t have such a miserable Day 3. So far, he seems totally oblivious, but they are popping out fast. I’m keeping him in long sleeved and long pants pajamas to deter scratching.

Itty Bitty’s scabs still look ugly. She is having a hard time not picking them. I don’t think they itch, but kids and picking scabs seem to go together like peanut butter and chocolate. On top of that, she peed herself pretty thoroughly before she woke up this morning. Girl has bladder of steel, but she slept in two hours later than normal. She came to me quite baffled as to how she woke up soaking wet, which tells me that she wasn’t even entertaining the idea that she had peed herself! She must have been in a real deep slumber. I can’t even recall the last time she accidentally peed the bed. Was she under 18 months? I’d have to go look at her blog. Aside from the occasional, “I waited to long damp underwear” incidences here and there that she takes care of herself, I also can’t remember the last time she had a full on accident. And on a grosser note, I brushed her hair today and had to pick scabs out of her hair. Eww.

3/25 Tuesday Day 758

Night EC: Usual 5:30AM pee
Day: 1 miss early afternoon.
Poop: None.

Chicken Pox Round 2: Day 2

Mini Moose seems to have sprouted all his pox at once unlike Itty Bitty who spread them out over 3-4 days. His are really concentrated on his head and face. Of note: A couple in his ear, three really close to the outside corner of his right eye, one right in the middle of his upper lip, and one on the bottom of his penis. He has none on his butt and only a handful at his groin area Still a lot of skil real estate, but he’s already showing signs of itch. Learning from Itty Bitty’s dance with the pox, I kept the bathroom warmer noting the cold sensitivity. He refuse a immersion bath, so I made an oatmeal goo infusion which was easier to apply. Then I slathered him in coconut oil mixed with vitamin E. So far it is giving the longest relief. Most of the pox aren’t showing the blistering yet, but the ones that are have rather small vesicles. That means they’ll crust over first. He has a couple of big onees but not as many as Itty Bitty had. His poor face and head. I run my hand over his head and I feel them and those are the ones he’ll start rubbing first. He’s been good thus far about not itching.

As the day progressed the pox got redder and more started turning into vesicles though there are still many flat ones. Every 3-4 hours I repeate the coconut oil and vitamin E slather and I concentrate the oatmeal goo on his head and one area on his torso that has a cluster crop. The itchiness returns more quickly after each application. He has developed head rubbing like a cat against you as a way to “cheat” and scratch without using his hands which I deter him from. He still doesn’t want an immersion bath but before bed I did a while body oatmeal goop application. He is crabby and clingly. He is also obsessed with Daddy Man. If he’s not on the boob; he is seeking him out. He’s been playing, eating, and drinking normally. In fact, he has been insisting on eating yogurt — he goes to the fridge, points, and makes his vocalization for it. I didn’t take his temperature, but now and then he seems warm and then back to normal. Itty Bitty showed the same pattern. He does want to nurse like a newborn and I’m quite sore, yet when he nurses it is easier for him not to itch. I’m quite tired as I worked last night, and after I got home I didn’t sleep much last night…pox monitoring…and not getting to sleep until 3:30am.

It smells like a coconut factory up in here!

3/26 Wednesday Day 759

Night EC: Usual 5:30AM pee
Day: Dry
Poop: Catch

Chicken Pox Round 2: Day 3

My poor Mini Moose tossed and turned all night long. He was rubbing his head on the pillow, on the bed, and on me. He kept rolling over to itch his body. It was like watching a puppy roll around on a carpet to get a good scratch on. The regimine of oil and oatmeal is wearing off fast. I had to bring out the big guns and put calamine lotion on his scalp. It is very drying and takes a while to dry so I mixed it with aloe, but it did give him more head relief and it cooled off the heat. The scalp has so many blood vessels it just is worse. I remember the ones on my head when I got it, and it always felt like my head was four times as warm as the rest of me. Around 1:00AM Daddy Man and I noticed his eye was red and irritated. I assume it is from itching but we’ll keep an eye on it. He has erupted no new red areas and see no pox on his eye lids or in his eye anywhere. I squirted some breastmilk in it (Daddy Man thought I’d lost it I think. He was like, “You are going to do what?” Should I tell him that I swallowed some whole pieces of raw placenta for hormonal balance and shorter lochia after both births, or should I save that for a special occasion?) Anyway, Itty Bitty slept through all of this even in the same bed (I kid you not). Daddy Man went to sleep around 2AM and Mini Moose and I were doing the dance until around 6:00am when I at some point fell into a drooly sleep for 30 minutes and woke up thinking I was in a different room. Sleep deprivation plays tricks on you! We were first up and I had prepped the bathroom to be very warm…like 75-80 degrees then I drew a warm bath (warmer than tepid but not hot) with oatmeal. I plunked Mini Moose and his angry red blistering pox in it and he cried and wailed, “No No hep me hep me!” for about thirty seconds and then…stopped. I imagine it was the result of relief! He then played for 30 minutes.

His eye was still red and hand a little sleepy goop (not clear, a little tan) that I remeoved with a warm cloth. The redness on the left of the sclera was better but was worse in the corner part. I am not sure if it is irritation from itching, or beginning of conjunctivitis, or from the chicken pox. I have been inspecting it periodically, keeping it clean, and putting in a couple drops of breastmilk in it. After his bath he was the happiest he’s been in about 12 hours. I slathered him in coconut oil and vitamin E, and put extra oatmeal goop and the calamine/aloe mix on his scalp.

After a body inspection, a lot of his smallest pimple-sized pox are already crusting. The next size up have all blistered and some are beginning to show signs of crusting soon. His biggest ones are the slowest to start the process. He also has a few that are still red and don’t seem to be blistering but are staying the red, flat spots. Could that be due to all the coconut oil and vitamin E oil!? I put the most E concentration on his face, and that’s where the most of those flat ones are. He seems to have a low grade fever of 99 to 99.5 or so. He seems unbothered by it, but is extra clingy today. So clingy that I couldn’t put him down and he asked to be worn on my back while I cooked brunch (I made shakshuka–eggs poached in tomatoes) and lunch/dinner (blackeyed peas, ground beef, corn, and leftever tomato base from the shakshuka).

Last night seems to have been his peak day and since he is having so much relief today, I think he is going to recover faster than Itty Bitty. His eye isn’t getting any worse, though I did see a really teeny, tiny bump on the bottom of his upper eye lid. Now and then he gets a little bit of eye goop in the corner, but it isn’t discolored or green. Is it a pox or a sty? Anyway, I continue to care for it. I called and left a message with the pediatrician to ask if there was anything more I could do or what to look out for if a problem was to develop. We are definitely on the tail end now.

Itty Bitty’s scabs are almost all gone now too. The biggest ones she had are now the only ones that still have scabs. She’s picked a few off, but I’ve insisted she wear clothes so it helps. You can see the marks where they were, but they should fade and we’ll be applying some aloe to help healing.

Daddy Man came home…with the sniffles.
Daddy Man took a very long nap.
Mommy hasn’t slept in two days.

To sooth my ire and celebrate I made homemade brownies.

3/27 Thursday Day 760

Night EC: Usual 5:30AM pee
Day: 1 miss in the afternoon, 1 miss in the evening while I was at work.
Poop: Yeah we caught that bad boy! Epic deployement!

Chicken Pox Round 2: Day 4 Last night was a far better night. There was some tossing and turning, but mostly sleeping. Mini Moose’s eye looked better with a little redness in the inside corner and by afternoon was cleared up. Was it breastmilk application or just irritation? Hard to say. It didn’t hurt to do it, so it is all good. The pox are almost all scabbed over now with maybe a few here and there that don’t appear to be going through the blister stage (two in particular on his face). They seem to be going direct to scab. Could that be all the coconut oil and vitamin E? A lot of Mini Moose’s pox were relatively small with the biggest onces conentrated on his scalp. Now that they are scabbing I can see three each in the cartilage inside the top of his ear. That explains him palm itching his ears a lot! I’m glad I put oil in them even though I didn’t see anything. there were other places I didn’t even see pox until they crusted over like on his foreskin, I though there were only two, but there are two other ones that are now scabbed.

Mini Moose was in good spirits with very little itching. He and Itty Bitty were their usual bickering selves. Mini Moose still wanted to nurse a lot and was very tired. I even managed to get in a nap with him because I am exhausted! Itty Bitty at some point joined us on the cuddler loveseat because when I woke up she was dozing next to us.

I was a little worried yesterday that Mini Moose would be having three days of peak misery, but it appears to be that he’s recovering in record time.

Oh, the pediatrician’s office called at 8:00pm while I was at work! Really. And they went through the whole blah blah it has to run its course spiel. Honestly, that isn’t what I was calling about. I was just curious about what I should do about his eye IF it got worse or was causing discomfort more than what I was doing.

3/28 Friday Day 761

Night EC: The pattern stays. 5 to 5:30AM pee
Day: Dry pants again!
Poop: We caught most of it. We persevere.

Chicken Pox Round 2: Day 5 Some of Mini Moose’s scabs are already starting to fall off (the tiniest ones)! He is having a hard time not picking so I have to keep him in a long sleeve shirt, but not long pants since he didn’t get many on his legs. Please, let this be the end of the plagues for now! I need some sleep.

Some people might wonder why I am not concerned about the poop misses. Why worry about something so insignificant? Our pee catch rate is 99%, and once a day I have to clean up half a poop. It isn’t even smeared anywhere usually because the trainers droop away from his body, and he tells me about it even though not in enough time to catch all of it. Overall, even if we miss the poop, the clean up is still done before most people can get the snaps undone on their diapered baby’s pants. No opportunity for a rash either. I wouldn’t do anything different. Things will move forward. Mini Moose tends to do things “bam overnight” whereas Itty bitty was a more “step by step” process.

3/29 Saturday Day 762

Night EC: Two catches. He had a lot of water today.
Day: 2 misses.
Poop: Eww. ’nuff said.

Chicken Pox Recovery: I am amazed at how fast the blisters are healing. I am wondering if that was due to starting the coconut oil and vitamin E rub right away? He points to them and says “Boo Boo” and the oldest ones on his head msut itch as the scabs pull to fall off, but other than that he’s fine. He’s all spotty and it looks obvous on his face. Like his sister he askes to be drawn on with the face paint pencils. I’ve had quite a bit of fun drawing pacman chomping power pellets! Itty Bitty has only a few scabs on her body left. The places where they fell off are obvious, but I am confident they will fade away completely except maybe the two where she picked scabs that weren’t ready to fall off. I gave her a good hair brushing then a gentle wash with water today now that most of her head scabs are gone. Mini Moose’s head is still all bumpy when I pet his head! He doesn’t have much hair, but it is enough to obscure them. He’s itched his ears and the scabs are off in the couple of places they were with no adverse effects. It’s just been so good to not be sick, Daddy Man took us out for breakfast at the yummy donut place that has the delicious breakfast sandwiches.

Mini Moose has really stepped up his understanding of language. He knows rooms and can be given two or three step instructions for certain things. He takes initiative for tasks like emptying the utensil drawer of the dishwasher, feeding the cats dry food, stealing bananas, and if I am closing my eyes and feigning sleep he will lift the covers up to my chin, pat me, make shushing noises, and kiss me. It is very cute.

Mini Moose Words:
Bahtee — Button! (it took forevere to figure this out since it is ot just buttons on shirts but buttons to press!)
Wait! — Said when you walk to far ahead of him or about to confiscate a projectile.
What!? — We must say this a lot because he has our intonation.
I’m Ready! — Daddy Man has heard this several times before
Ahm Fine! — Answer when you ask, “Are you okay?” (I suspect he learned this first from his sister who announces it when she falls down or has a potential for injury)
Eddy Se Go! — Ready Set Go!
Rokkee — Rocket (for when he wants to watch Little Einsteins)
Bast Oh! — Blast off! (related to Little Einsteins)
BoBoBo — Bo on the Go (for when he wants to watch Bo on the Go)
Opopo — Oso (for when he wants to watch Agent Oso)
MauMau — is still Mickey Mouse
EyeNoNo — Response when he is asked where someone or something is
More Water — He says “more” with a high pitch and makes the baby sign for more simultaneously; this is specifically for wanting a drink of water

Mini Mose tries to sing songs and mimics what he can, says one or two words he knows, and copies dances that goes with them. Maybe it is time to get back to singing Itys bitsy spdier?

Itty Bitty Notables:
She has been wanting to expand her vocabulary and constantly (and I do mean constantly) asks questions about words I say and what they mean. She inquires about a wide variety of subjects such as “What happens when you itch?” or “Do people eat these?” (as she shows me snot on her finger).

Was I this gross as a four year old?

3/29 Sunday Day 763

Night EC: Crack of dawn pee. Thankfully we just go back to sleep.
Day: Dry all day, one miss in the evening.
Poop: 50/50

Even though spring is here it is still quite cold. The ground is very muddy from all the melt off. The kids got to run around in their rainboots, but was cold enough that it caused runny noses.

3/30 Sunday Day 764

Night EC: Dry all night and the usual early morning pee and back to sleep.
Day: Dry all day.
Poop: Caught it!

Mini Moose actually manage to potty sign request with plenty of time to get to the toilet before some of it ended up in his pants! Woo hoo! We spent the day at the children’s museum today and the kids had a blast. Mini Moose got so tired that i had to take him to a quiet area to nurse and to have a 1:30pm nap! He slept for about an hour on my chest while Daddy Man, Itty Bitty, and GMa amused themselves elsewhere. Itty Bitty remembered some of the rooms from the previous year. She was so excited that she didn’t know where to look.

Unfortunately, I failed to warn Itty Bitty when we were leaving soon because I was preoccupied and groggy from my little nap (yeah, I fell into a quick cat nap as I was relclining on a padded bench with Mini Moose). This resulted in a HUGE meltdown. Daddy Man had to carry Itty Bitty out. It wasn’t until we got to the car and were on the road that I was able to decipher the unintelligable babble. She was dissapointed that she didn’t get to make it all the way to the top of the climber. She made it 3/4 of the way while Mini Moose was napping and then had to have a potty break, played in another area with GMa, and apparantly never made her personal goal. Had I known that’s all she wanted it would have been fine! Unfortunately, in meltdown mode it was impossible to calm her down enough to get the details. It took me a good ten minutes to get her in the carseat, another ten minutes to get her strapped in, and she screamed and skreetched at least fifteen minutes before she was worn out enough to speak in a voice that was understood. Five mintues after that she fell asleep!

3/30 Monday Day 765

Night EC: Dry all night and the usual early morning pee and back to sleep.
Day: Dry all day.
Poop: Missed part of it.

4/1 Tuesday Day 766

Night EC: Dry all night and the usual early morning pee and back to sleep.
Day: Dry all day.
Poop: 50/50

Can it be April already? Where did the time go? I still haven’t decided when to have Mini Moose’s birthday party. Daddy Man is on a second round of his anti-virals since he seems to be developing a couple of new blisters in the same area. We need to wait until he is all better before we can be comfortable around people who haven’t had the chicken pox. Sorry Mini Moose…I promise we’ll get to it! We can’t even take half-year picturs until faces aren’t looking like a game of Go.

4/2 Wednesday Day 767

Night EC: Dry all night and the usual early morning pee and back to sleep.
Day: Dry all day.
Poop: Missed half of it.

It was nice enough out that I managed to get some raking done while the kids played in the driveway. Mini Moose played almost exclusively with the toy lawn mower. Itty Bitty insists on using the little trike but she really is too tall for it now. When Daddy Man got home Itty Bitty ran him ragged by challening him to races. He actually had to put in some effort! Itty Bitty was complaining that her throat hurt today. I hope Daddy Man didn’t pass on the sniffle he’s had.

4/3 Thursday Day 768

Night EC: Ad Nauseum. I’m not complaining 🙂
Day: 3 misses. Off Day!
Poop: Missed it.

Itty Bitty went to bed feeling a bit warm and woke up with a 102F fever. She also complained of her legs hurting, but I am 99.9% sure that was due to the crazy running and bike riding she did yesterday outside. She even has saddle sore! Her nose is stuff and she has little appetite. Will this sick curse never end! She wanted eggs for breakfast, but that was mostly all she ate all day. She was holding on to an apple and wouldn’t put it down. Yes, she held an apple in her hand all day! She said her stomach hurt when I asked, but otherwise didn’t complain much. I made sure she stayed well hydrated and Daddy Man brought her some apple juice when he got home from work. Around 4pm, though she wasn’t complaining and her fever was steady at 101, I gave her a dose of tylenol for the body aches and any other pain. I had to go to work and I wanted to be sure she was all set for Daddy Man to take over care. After about thirty mintues, she ate the apple and decided she wanted something else to eat.

4/4 Friday Day 769

Night EC: One early morning pee then back to slumber.
Day: 1 miss.
Poop: Missed part of it, but a good portion was put into the toilet. Yay!

When I got home last night Itty Bitty’s fever was around 99-100F. Sometime in the night it broke compeltely and she woke up with a mass of head curls from the sweat. Of course, now it will be a good 7-10 days before I am sure neither I nor Mini Moose catch this 24 hour nuisance.

4/5 Saturday Day 770

Night EC: Wake up pee.
Day: Dry all day.
Poop: Caught it! Snoopy Dance Yeah!

Happy 25th Birthday to my Little Brother! I don’t have much extra income to spend, but I sent him a Dunkin Donuts gift card and he was much pleased.

I am so sleepy. I don’t usually do much sleeping if the kids are sick. It is different than the normal sleeplessness because even when I am sleeping it is not restful because I just wake after every sleep cycle to check on the kids. Itty Bitty is outgrowing underwear so when we went out with Daddy Man for errands I got a pack two sizes larger than she needs so she can grow into them (boy short style works really well for going bigger sizes). Mini Moose is staying pee dry day and night 95% of the time so I decided to get him some regular underwear for when I finally put away the trainers for good in the next few months. Not tighty whities and not boxers — the style in between. I was loathe to buy the one with the drab colors and car them, but it was the cheapest in his size. Ugh. Drab drab drab. Manufacturers need to get with the program. Either your drowning in cars or drowning in pink flowers! Luckily there were some solids and stripes in the pack so I didn’t totally hate it. Some of the training pants Mini Moose are using are 4 years old now and are wearing thin and getting holes. I can’t complain since they lasted through two children and have been washed countless times.

Daddy Man started building a sandbox today to replace the one we had to leave behind. Itty Bitty is very excited and she and Mini Moose were busy “helping” to dig.

4/6 Sunday Day 771

Night EC: Wake up pee.
Day: Dry all day.
Poop: Missed part of it as usual.

Daddy Man grilled today for a visit from GMa, his brother B and B’s steady girl S. They’ve been together for years. It was a pretty nice day. Daddy Man helped clean up and he once said, “I just clean that! Doesn’t anything stay clean for more than ten minutes!?” No, Daddy Man, nothing does! Welcome to my universe of repetative drudgery!

4/7 Monday Day 772

Night EC: Wake up pee.
Day: Dry all day.
Poop: Caught it!

Tried to vanqish the laundry beast today. I managed to lop off one head, but then I grew tired of the fight and left the head unresolved.

4/8 Tuesday Day 773

Night EC: Two catches.
Day: 4 misses. A really off day today.
Poop: 50/50

For a treat, I baked some bacon in the oven and we had bacon with our eggs this morning. Later, for lunch, I tried to make homemade Puri/Poori today. They came out really good, but ended up being fried flat bread. Oops! It was probably because I used a shallow pan and not a lot of oil so it didnt’ have enough room to puff up.

4/9 Wednesday Day 774

Night EC: One catch around 2am, then the usual morning pee.
Day: 5 misses. Yeah, we were really off our game. Funny thing is, the catch rate was still 50%
Poop: None. The farting though has been FOUL.

A pretty meh day. Since the puri/poori I made yesterday didn’t do what I wanted, though they were good, I decided to try roti. I made two different batches. The first batch didn’t puff up at all. I’d made them with all purpose flour so I figured that was the problem. Don’t get me wrong, they were tastey! Just not quite right. I made a smaller batch with white whole wheat flour and only 1 fully puffed, one partly puffed, and the other two ended up flat and overdone. Ate them anyway!

Fter work, Daddy Man put down landscaping fabric and the next tier of lumber down in the new sandbox. It was still quit nippy out and as the sun went down it got really frigid, but as the kids were stick hunting I spied new green grass just starting to grow.

4/10 Thursday Day 775

Night EC: One catch around 2am, then the usual morning pee. Looks like the night pee pattern is back. Aww bummer.
Day: 2 misses.
Poop: Caught 75% of it!

This is how poop goes for mommy: Mini Moose comes up with the potty sign and saying, “mAY mAY” in a high pitch. I say, “Potty quick! Go go!” And we RUN to the bathroom. He point to the big toilet, I put the seat on, I carefully drop his pants that usually has a poo ball in it (sometimes I have to clean him first), and I then plunk him down on the toilet with insert. Now he has started to point to the door and “shoo” me out! He finishes, gets down, and comes to find me saying, “Poop poop! Ahwl Dahn!”

Poop for DaddyMan: Daddy’s poopdar goes off. Mini Moose has become still and has a face. Daddy sqeals, “WAIT waiiiiiiiiit!” Picks up boy and runs him to the toilet. Their full poop-catch rate is quite high! Way to go on the poop-dar DaddyMan. Mommy’s pee-dar is much better though.

4/11 Friday Day 776

Night EC: One catch at 2am, on at round 6am. No…not another developmental spurt…nooooo!
Day: No misses. Dry trend has returned I hope.
Poop: Caught all of it! Woo hoo!

4/12 Saturday Day 777

Night EC: One catch at 2am, on at round 6am. Again.
Day: 2 misses in the morning, then back on track.
Poop: Caught 90% It was a doozy.

Mini Moose is being a bear. Yeah, this is a spurt. A little growth but a whole lot of brain. And, it appears that Itty Bitty is going through some mental rewiring judging from the rapid fire questions and…just a feeling I have…her face is just starting to look different again. Excuse me a moment while I weep a little.

4/13 Saturday Day 778

Night EC: One catch at 2am, on at round 6am.
Day: No misses.
Poop: Caught most of it.

Had a pool party to go to four our friend E. and her 5 year old DD A. Itty Bitty had a great time swimming around with a kickboard with her DaddyMan and I had Mini Moose helping him to get acclimated and not cling to me like he was going to perish at any moment. He didn’t cry, was just clung on me like velcro. After about 15 minutes of walking around in the water, he discovered that he was safe and that water was fun and he started kicking his legs and grabbing for floaty toys (mostly the balls). I hope the kids become good swimmers. I myself can’t swim and I have developed a growing fear of water that worries me.

4/14 Monday Day 779

Night EC: One catch at 2am, on at round 6am.
Day: No misses.
Poop: Caught most of it.

4/15 Tuesday Day 780

Night EC: One catch at 2am, on at around 6am.
Day: No misses.
Poop: Daddy man reports he caught ALL of it!

Leaves. Why am I STILL raking leaves!?

4/16 Wednesday Day 781

Night EC: One catch at 2am, on at around 6am.
Day: No misses.
Poop: Catch about 90% today.

Man. I may not survive this mental spurt. Mini Moose is kicking, throwing toys, hitting his sister, trying to sit on his sister, being reckless, and moody. Itty Bitty is just a non-stop question machine. And she IS outgrowing her pants. I KNEW it! Mini Moose has been wanting to have that night nurse again. I oblige but his latch is funky when he’s not getting let down as he tries to make it work faster. And he knows to switch sides to get letdown so…we are having little tiffs over the fact that I don’t want to switch sides! Sometimes he gets his way and sometimes I get mine so…it evens out in the end.

4/17 Thursday Day 782

Night EC: One catch at 2am, on at round 6am. I want the no pee at night back…
Day: No misses.
Poop: About 50/50.

4/18 Friday Day 783

Night EC: One catch at 2am, on at around 6am.
Day: 1 miss.
Poop: 75% catch

4/19 Saturday Day 784

Night EC: One catch at 2am, one at around 6am.
Day: 1 miss.
Poop: 75% catch

We paid a visit to the Easter Bunny for our annual spring photos. And then, so, like I brought in my car to have the tire remounted and it turned into a, “Oh, hey, you need a new hose for your power steering because it is leaking and the connection junction on your rear break thingamadoo is practically rusting off so that needs replacing ASAP.”

Sigh. That sounds like a $500 chaching to me. And just when the budget was looking good!

4/20 Sunday Day 785

Night EC: One catch at 2am, one at around 6am.
Day: No misses.
Poop: 100% catch

Well, I got both the kids outfits for Easter for $15 total which is good considereing the jeep is eating my cash again! We attended an annual free easter egg hunt at a nearby nursery. This year they had the hunt every half and hour because last year they said they had over 300 children and their parents and it was chaos having it every two hours. It was much more calm this year! We will be giving them our business when we get a chance to buy landscaping plants for the new house. Just can’t fit it in the budget this year.

4/21 Monday Day 786

Night EC: Same. 2am and 6am thereaobouts
Day: No misses.
Poop: miss

Month 25: Double Whammy – Day 729 to Day 754

Compare to Sister’s Blog:   Month 25:  A World of Pure Imagination


Houston: I see Chicken Pox!  Thanks for sharing Daddy Man!

2/22 Saturday (24 Months) Day 729
Night EC: No Pee at night. Big morning pee.
Day: Dry all day, no misses.
Poop: No poop.

Happy Second Birthday Mini Moose!
Due to the weather and such we just had a cake with Grandmama at the house and had a family celebration. We’ll have a party for him another time.
Daddy man has got a rash on his head and neck that is getting worse. We were thinking contact dermatitis from the new shampoo, but it also looks like eczema. If it isn’t better or gets any worse he’s going to have it looked at.

Mini Moose still isn’t taking himself to potty, he always asks for assistance (his prefereed method is the potty sign with the vocalization mAY mAY–it is quite high pitched and specific to the potty) or I just take him when my Peedar goes off. It isn’t that he can’t take himself, he just prefers assistance. He also prefers the big potty and doesn’t care for the little potty yet. He’ll also happily sit for a while and call me when he is done, or if he wants my company he’ll complain and insist I stay.

How many times does he pee in a day? I don’t know. He can go anywhere from 2-4 hours between pees depending.

2/23 Sunday Day 730
Night EC: No Pee. 6:00am pee.
Day: Dry.
Poop: Yikes. Catching some of it was better than nothing! Wow. Epic.

The kids and Daddy Man spend the day playing with the new car tracks that Daddy Man and Grandmama got Mini Moose for his birthday. He was so into it that I didn’t bother opening the magnetic puzzle I got him.

2/24 Monday Day 731
Night EC: No pee; just morning
Day: Dry.
Poop: Caught it! Yes!

Day 732
2/25 Tuesday
Night EC: 1 midnight pee, then none till morning.
Day: Dry.
Poop: 50/50 catch/miss

I noticed today that I no longer have that bodacious pregnancy rack. I think I’m now back to my original size, if a little bit more droopy. Hey, floppy boobs are working boobs and there ain’t nothing wrong with that!

Day 733
2/26 Wednesday
Night EC: No Pee, Morning pee only
Day: Dry.
Poop: Mini Moose give mommy more warning so we can catch it all!

Have I mentioned yet that Daddy Man’s mystery rash is actually shingles? I can’t remember if I did. Did I? Anyway, Daddy Man has a high pain tolerance so it never occurred to me to think it was shingles.

Yes, yes, you can catch Chicken Pox from someone with shingles. It is going to be a long March…

2/27 Thursday Day 734
Night EC: No Pee, Morning pee only
Day: Dry.
Poop: Bah humbug. Missed it again, well not all of it, some of it.

2/28 Friday Day 735
Night EC: No Pee at night, wake up pee.
Day: Dry.
Poop: caught it!

Our day to day business is just the same lately. Even now in the morning, mini moose will sit down at his sisters portable writing desk that she got for her birthday and bang on it demanding I put his breakfast on it. Ever since Grandmama got them yogurt at Disney he’s been all about yogurt so I’ve been buying full fat plain yogurt which works nicely for my baking as well. Every morning he asks for a banana while Itty Bitty asks for her usual apple. Then they will either have oatmeal or eggs and sometimes pancakes. Then Mini Moose may demand yogurt by pointing at the refrigerator and trying to say it, though it comes out sounding like DoeDoe rather than yogurt. Itty Bitty calls it “Oh-gert” which incidentally is the same thing she calls Ogres! Ogres and Yogurt. Who knew?

3/1 Saturday Day 736

Night EC: No Pee at night, 5:30 wake up pee (I started checking the clock to see what time he’s been having his wake up pee).
Day: Dry.
Poop: caught it!

Have I mentioned yet that Daddy Man doens’t have contact dermatitis or eczema? Oh, no. It is shingles. That means the kids have been exposed. I don’t hold out much hope that they won’t get it even if we do keep them separated as much as possible. Daddy Man opted for antivirals but declined pain killers. He said they seemed shocked that he didn’t want them since he was in pain. Daddy Man has a very high pain tolerance.

Anyway, I am glad the kids will get it now rather than later or have to decide whether or not to get a booster shot the rest of their lives. I am glad of it too, since I think a lot of shingles manifestations cropping up more often are due to not getting exposure to the wild virus. This is a boon to me since now I have been exposed and my immune system is …for a lack of a better word…recharged. Now we must wait.

3/2 Sunday Day 737
Night EC: No Pee! The early morning pee was big!
Day: 1 miss in the morning.
Poop: So close but we missed some of it.

Almost two weeks without my computer and a week after Itty Bitty wrecked the wireless on Daddy Man’s old Toshiba, but he managed to get my old Dell laptop running tonight so I could have wireless again while I’m waiting for my regular Asus laptop to come back from repair.. I can now stop plotting to ship my children to Antarctica. Thank you, honey. I know Dell sucks and their re-install process is ridiculous. My hero.

What did people do before Wireless!? I would read, but who can read when your spawn are crawling on you and calling you every five minutes? I can’t even read the instructions on a box of oatmeal once and have it process.

3/5 Wednesday Day 738
Night EC: 1 middle night pee, then Early morning pee only
Day: 2 miss in the morning. 1 in the afternoon. An off day!
Poop: Missed it. Well, not all of it. He always signals so we tend to usually catch part of it.

We are so ready for warm weather!

3/6 Thursday Day 739
Night EC: No night pee. Morning pee 5:00 or 5:30.
Day: Dry.
Poop: Miss. So close yet so far!

I am really starting to like this long stretch of sleep I’m getting and the “usually doesn’t ask to nurse in the wee hours” anymore. Sometimes he does which is fine. I am getting so much more sleep now I don’t really care! Don’t misunderstand, this is not a 8-12 hour sleep-a-thon, but a respectable and natural 4-6 hour stretch. We follow that with a quick wake up to re-cuddle or sometimes nurse, and then back to sleep. Not having to pee helps, though once in a great while if he’s had a lot to drink the day before he’ll need to have a pit stop.

What I’m not fond of are the death rolls before he initially falls asleep now. He doesn’t always let go nicely and sometimes ends up squishing my boob, then rolling back to relatch. Ow!

3/7 Friday Day 740
Night EC: No Pee! Another big morning pee.
Day: 2 miss in the afternoon
Poop: Caught it!

Trying to get work done when your Spawn are determined to argue over every toy and use their butts to push each other… Just sucks in so many ways I can’t count them.

I spy a mystery spot on Itty Bitty’s back. Oh…here it comes…

3/8 Saturday Day 741

Night EC: Usual 5:30AM pee
Day: Dry.
Poop: Usual 1/2 catch, 1/2 miss. Ad nauseum!

Chicken Pox Day 2: Well, right on cue. Itty Bitty has a blister on her back. Classic Chicken Pox presentation. I am calling this day two because I really think she presented on Thursday since I saw the first full blister yesterday. She’d felt warm in the morning yesterday, but a temperature didn’t register on the thermometer so I didn’t really think it was notable — and she had been running around playing like a headless robot. I had noticed a strange spot on her back yesterday, but it was just red and almost seemed to be not there. Today it was a clear blister. I don’t expect her to have a terrible case since Daddy Man can’t recall his previous bout with it at four was anything more than annoyingly itchy. My bout at age twenty-one wasn’t sunshine and rainbows, but I can’t say that it was a bad case. As a matter of fact, my dance with Poison Ivy was 100 times worse than my two step with adult chicken pox in both discomfort and skin coverage. Anyway, Daddy Man will bring home some calamine and I’ve already got oatmeal in the house for soothing baths.

3/9 Sunday Day 742
Night EC: Usual 5:30AM pee
Day: Dry.
Poop: Usual 1/2 catch, 1/2 miss. You know the drill people.

Chicken Pox Day 3: Daddy Man has been suffering with the zapping pain in his head, but it looks like Itty Bitty will have no problem weathering this. Her presentation is slow and is sporadic. She has maybe about 15-20 spots and this is day 3; occasionally she says see is itchy. I am assuming that she really started presenting on Thursday as she has a spot on her scalp that is father progressed than the one I saw on her back Friday. She’s always weathered illness better than the rest of us tending to recover faster and be far less plagued by symptoms to the point where you cannot always diagnose the bug! I had it when I was 21 and recovered as a child would have though I had a mild fever and malaise, so I’m confident I’m immune. Mini Moose may have some residual immunity or at the very least immune boost from nursing so we’ll see if he presents or not.

3/10 Monday Day 743
Night EC: Usual 5:30AM pee
Day: Dry.
Poop: Usual 1/2 catch, 1/2 miss. Blah blah.

Chicken Pox Day 4: Today is a big pox day. Lots of them are popping all over. No real big clusters, four of them are bigger than the rest. Two of them on her back, one under her arms, and one under her chin. Itty Bitty isn’t complaining much except when I put on the calamine, but I can tell she is more uncomfortable becaus she is much more subdued in behavior and short temepered.

Mini Moose has started telling me to leave the bathroom if he’s pooping by saying, “Go!” and if I ask him if he is doen he’ll say, “No,” cross his harms, and then show me the hand so that I go away. He has no desire to take himself to the bathroom, though he has all the skills. That’s okay. I don’t mind, and it is so cute when he dismisses me for privacy!

3/11 Tuesday Day 744

Night EC: Usual 5:30AM pee
Day: Missed two in the morning.
Poop: Usual 1/2 catch, 1/2 miss. Same old Same old!

Chicken Pox Day 5 — Poor Itty Bitty has them /everywhere/ including a few on the scalp and many in the most uncomfortable of places! Those in particular give her the most grief. She still has a lot of untouched skin real estate, but they are well distributed with the most concentrating on her butt and back and bits.

She was miserable last night because she refused to take the oatmeal bath I drew for her before I left the house for workd and left her with Daddy Man. By the time I got home the itching/burning was at unbearable levels. I even gave her oral medication to give her some relief because I knew it was bad (I gave her Ibuprofen, but really it should have been Tylenol as there seems to be some issue with masking of symptoms of secondary complications and it making such a problem worse. But because I don’t expect her to have a secondary issue, she had no fever, and it was one dose the chances of a negative even is exceedingly small). The medication did help after about 30 minutes, but it took a good three hours to get the discomfort under control again. I can tell just by her talkativity,. vocabulary choices, and mood when she’s better even if she still whines it itches and burns if I put calamine on it. I think she is experiencing acute skin sensitivity to cold and touch. She tossed and turned all night until 3 or 4 am before finally getting to sleep. She’s been excellent, I must say, about not scratching. She can’t help but drag her bottom on the bed now and then.

This morning she thought better about not taking a soak in the tub! After the oatmeal bath, I slathered her in calamine (of course even though I warmed it a bit and she didn’t complain, it got cold before I was done and she complained it burned then. She seems super sensitive to cold). I’ve done a test area today with vitamin E oil, and I am thinking that might help sooth her poor vulva and anus area.

I think yesterday was a peak day, so we should be on the down side. No new spots today, just really small ones from yesterday developing. The later ones are very small pimple dots compared to when the first ones appear. The vitamin E and coconut oil she found very soothing and it seemed to stop the genital itching on contact and prevented the skin from friction rubbing and sticking. Mini Moose is still insisting on getting some topical medications too. I’ve promised Itty Bitty that we would do some connect the dots with face paint crayons when her pox are healed and she is excited about that!

3/12 Wednesday Day 745

Night EC: Usual 5:30AM pee
Day: Missed 1 in the afternoon.
Poop: Usual 1/2 catch, 1/2 miss.

Chicken Pox Day 6: More of the pox are crusting over and no new ones appeared today. Definitely, the last ones that came out were very small and are scabbing over faster than the first ones did. Itty Bitty didn’t want a bath this morning and said she wasn’t that itchy. I did insist on coconut oil and vitamin E though on her bottom and bits because of the friction and I wanted to discourage any sort of itching there. I applied it three times throughout the day, but that is all the care she needed. They are both arguing normally and Itty Bitty is trying not to drag her butt on the carpet. She asked again today if they are ready to connect the dots!

I check Mini Moose every day and so far nothing. I noticed a few skin blemishes here and there that turn out to be nothing. Perhaps he had one or two that I missed, or is asymptomatic, or just didn’t get it. To celebrate, I made some chocolate brownie cookies. Easy and yummy!

3/13 Thursday Day 746

Night EC: Usual 5:30AM pee
Day: Missed one in the afternoon. It is cute when he brings me his wet pants and says, “Mama, heah.”
Poop: Usual 1/2 catch, 1/2 miss. Ad nauseum!

Chicken Pox Day 7: We played some recovery connect the dots and Itty Bitty was delighted! She asked for a blue lady bug on one cheek, a blue frog on the other, a flower, and a dragon fly. She wanted a butterfly but we ran out of face real estate!

So…while I was at work tonight… Itty Bitty decided to dive into a book from her bookshelf that she’s looked at the pictures before but didn’t really process (she was one or two when I got it…best to be prepared!), “It’s not the stork” http://www.amazon.com/Its-Not-Stork-Families-Friends/dp/0763633313 .

She’s four and a half now and has a new awareness, and with that some anxiety over big questions like pain and death. I got home and Daddy Man says she was in a spiral of despair at the thought of getting older, having babies and it started with the thought that she had eggs and ended with why does she still have chicken pox on her body. He was rather distraught himself, “Oh what a literary masterpiece to have her start reading. Thank you very much.” he said. Hah!

Poor man. It doesn’t get any easier, honey, and the book does say ages four and up!

It took me a bit to calm her down and assure her that if she didn’t want babies she didn’t have to, but she couldn’t just get rid of her eggs right now. And, no, I couldn’t promise to help her stop growing up, but I could pretend that she’d be my four year old baby forever. And yes, the chicken pox would go away.

3/14 Friday Day 747
Night EC: Usual 5:30AM pee
Day: Dry.
Poop: 1/2 and 1/2

Chicken Pox Recovery: Itty Bitty has been great about not scratching, except her head. The scalp ones are so tempting under all that hair.

3/15 Saturday Day 748
Night EC: Usual 5:30AM pee
Day: Dry.
Poop: Usual 1/2 catch, 1/2 miss. I am sensing a trend.

Daddy Man took us out for breakfast to a new place and I ate the most delicate, delightful, delectable Bismark. Not at all cloyingly sweet and the cream on the top was perfect. I now need to make it my mission to try one of everything. Curse you, New Place, you are just too delicious.

3/16 Sunday Day 749
Night EC: Usual 5:30AM pee
Day: Dry.
Poop: No poop today. I fear…

3/17 Monday Day 750

Night EC: Usual 5:30AM pee
Day: Dry.
Poop: Usual 1/2 catch, 1/2 miss
Happy Ides of March! Think green and shamrocks, and welcome Spring! Finally! Winter be gone!

3/18 Tuesday Day 751

Night EC: Usual 5:30AM pee
Day: Dry.
Poop: Usual 1/2 catch, 1/2 miss

3/19 Wednesday 752

Night EC: Usual 5:30AM pee
Day: Dry.
Poop: Caught all of it! Yay!

That’s it. We are getting out of the house. Today! We are going to go see Frozen at our local theater since tomorrow is the last time they are showing it there.

No one but us was in the whole theatre other than senior citizens for the special, but they were in other theatres. We were there an hour early and the kids had a grand time running up and down the empty theatre rows and we spent a little time in the game area even though we didn’t have tokens. They enjoyed pretend driving. It was nice to have a change of scenery.

Matinee fee was still damn pricey, but an awesome movie; see it. On the downside, Itty Bitty spent an hour inconsolably crying because it is /over/ and we can’t see it again right now. *head wall; sigh of defeat*

3/20 Thursday Day 753

Night EC: Usual 5:30AM pee
Day: Dry.
Poop: Oh what a miss it was. Eww.

It snowed. Stupid winter.

3/21 Friday Day 754

Night EC: Usual 5:30AM pee
Day: Dry.
Poop: Caught most of it.

Month 24: Deja Two – Day 698 to Day 728

Compare to Sister’s Blog:   Month 24:  Happy Birthday Two

Fun at the Magic Kingdom

Picture From a Few Weeks Ago: Fun at the Magic Kingdom

1/22 Wednesday (23 Months) Day 698
Night EC: 1 catch, 1 miss.
Day: 1 miss.
Poop: Missed it.

I still haven’t unpacked our suitcases. To say that I have zero ambition to do it is being pretty generous. Feminine hormones have a small role to play in that, ugh. I just want to curl up an hibernate until menopause. Okay, just until winter is over.

On a more ambitious note, I’ve been making a lot of food from scratch in an effort to save as many pennies as possible while filling bellies. We’ve made tortillas from scratch, flat bread, dinner roll, quick breads, whole slow roast chicken, crock pot chili, beans, and soups. Itty Bitty is complaining less about the food offerings. She’s been letting herself get good and hungry though; apples and bananas only fill you up so long! I tell her that she doesn’t have to eat what is offfered, but truly hungry people don’t refuse to eat their non-favorites. I think she is getting the idea that there is nothing else to have. This is totally my fault, I was really slacking with meals and eating out a lot during our house move and we just fell into a nasty habit.

1/23 Thursday Day 699

Night EC: 1 catch.
Day: 2 miss.
Poop: Caught it!

First day of work tonight. It was nice to get out of the house, but it has been bitterly cold and there is snow. My tire was flat too and I had to put air in it before I left.

I think we are all getting cabin fever. Too cold to go out and I have no extra funds to go anywhere and gas is expensive. I am trying really hard to cut way back so that I can get the debt accrued from the jeep paid off by May. That means that there is no room for many extras. It kind of has me down in the dumps, but I tell myself that we are in good shape and it is only temporary. I only hope that I get work this summer!

1/24 Friday Day 700

Night EC: 1 catch. Under protest. Mini Moose gave me some attitude and it wasn’t a big pee.
Day: 5 misses. It was an off day. It happens.
Poop: Missed it twice.

It’s been pretty blah around here. We get up, eat, watch tv, and spend the day in the play room. I cook. The kids fight. We complain. Bah humbug. I don’t think any of us were made for the winter doldrums. Daddy Man’s car track hodge podge has been very popular with the littles. However, they do fight over the multitude of cars and Itty Bitty’s first and favorite red car has gone missing. I think perhaps when Daddy Man put out the recycling he failed to look to see if any toys were put in the bin and he just dumped it. So, that little red corvette might just be gone for good. I am holding out hope, but I haven’t seen it and I’ve looked everywhere I can think of.

1/25 Saturday Day 701

Night EC: Pee refusal.
Day: 1 miss in the evening.
Poop: Caught it because he signaled in time! Yay!

I was surprised last night when Mini Moose woke up at his usual 3:00 time and he refused to pee. In fact, he seemed to be so insulted that I suggested a potty break that he cured up in a butt-hurt ball and declined nay-nay (nursing)! I was flabbergasted. I gave a little huff and said, “fine be that way!” and I too rolled over with a little ‘tude and fell back asleep.

Itty Bitty sleeps like a rock so she is always unaware of this night ballet. She is too busy outgrowing things.

Daddy Man bought more Hot Wheels tracks today. He is giddy like a little boy when he watches the Little get all excited about the cars racing and jumping on the tracks.

1/26 Sunday Day 702

Night EC: No Pee; huge morning wake-up pee.
Day: 2 miss.
Poop: Missed it.

Well, that has never happened. The second night where he has not needed a wee hour pee or was awake enough for a night nurse. I’ve been encouraging the middle of the night nurse, but when he does or doesn’t has been pretty random. Sometimes we do, sometimes we don’t. I’m pretty flexible expecially since his first stretch of sleep has been hitting the 4-5 hour mark and it has been refreshing to have my sleep cycle finish and end without interruption. We do still gripe at each other on the nights we disagree, but we work it out. Especially, because he is teething nursing is a cranky time for us both right now.

We had to shovel before we left to go to GMa’s and Itty Bitty was not pleased that it was so cold out! I guess she won’t pester me tomorrow about playing outside! MIni Moose didn’t stay out nearly as long. An hour to get dressed for 30 minutes of outside time! I was so not made for winter.

Today was also the first day that Itty Bitty used the new 3-in-1 Graco harness to booster seat Daddy Man bought yesterday. She will be forward facing in his Durango now. She still falls asleep in the car so the 5 point harness is essential, but it does convert to a high back booster and a low back booster after that. She is excited to sit forward facing, but found it a little disorientating as far as speed. The cup holder was a big hit with her and she was playing with it when it was in the house. I can’t believe my baby has grown so much! She’ll still be rear facing in my car until she reaches the 40lb limit, but she is not too far off. We’ll likely make it to at least 4.5 years, though I was hoping we’d make it rear until her fifth birthday. Mini Moose has inherited Itty Bitty’s carseat in Daddy Man’s car now. He had outgrown Daddy Man’s seat more than two months ago, but since he usually rides in my car Daddy Man had put it off. He traded it in and got 25% off too. The seats in my car should last until Itty Bitty needs an upgrade. I had already switched her to Mini Moose’s Britax seat so she could rear face longer, and he is in her True Fit which should last another 3-4 years before it expires. I’m thinking that by the time he’s outgrown the rearface limit on it, I can switch him back to his original Britax and upgrade Itty Bitty.

Grandmama invited us over for Daddy Man’s belated birthday dinner. It was nice not to have to cook today and to have an extra pair of eyes and ambition to entertain the littles. We even all got to take a late afternoon nap! When we got home and I complained yet again about how much I hated the Laundry Hydra, Daddy Man helped fold! It is amazing how much a detested chore can change when you just have an extra hand and someone to do it with. I actually felt charged and didn’t mind doing it for a change. Sometimes it is just the little things that make the difference.

1/27 Monday Day 703

Night EC: No Pee! (but a huge morning wake up whizzer)
Day: 2 miss in the evening.
Poop: 1 caught by daddy, 1 missed by mommy.

Last night was the third night in the row Mini Moose hasn’t asked to nurse at a wake up, hasn’t peed in eight hours in the night, and had a steady long stretch of sleep before stirring (five to six hours). I still wake up of course, but it is kind of nice not to have to extricate my boobs for a feed. I’m not so sure how I feel about a toddler head resting on my neck cutting off the blood to my brain though.

1/28 Tuesday Day 704

Night EC: 1 night pee, then none till morning.
Day: Dry.
Poop: Caught half of it.

1/29 Wednesday Day 705

Night EC: No Pee at night; early morning pee.
Day: 3 miss in the morning
Poop: Missed

1/30 Thursday Day 706

Night EC: None till early morning.
Day: Dry.
Poop: Caught half of it.

1/31 Friday Day 707

Night EC: None. Just morning pee.
Day: Dry.
Poop: Caught half of it. Again.

2/1 Saturday Day 708

Night EC: No Pee! Wake up pee instead.
Day: Dry.
Poop: Missed part of it.

Wow. I can’t believe it is February. Mini Moose is growing so fast. His eye teeth (canines) are FINALLY almost all done. He’s got the upper left still working, but at least this phase of teething is over. He also has gone through some major mental shifting. It is like overnight he has remodeled his brains. Since we got back from our trip, he has been very into the cars and tracks that Daddy Man has been buing and building up. He had planned on doing so with Itty Bitty, but felt that with a crawling baby it would be more frustrating for Itty Bitty to always have a track smashed. Now they can both enjoy it together. We’ve always had cars, just not the tracks. Mini Moose is delighted and has been copying Itty Bitty’s double car runs and has leanred through constant experimentation that some cars work better than others. He also has begun to show distinct favorites among the toys picking out specific trains (Brewester and Wilson), cars (a white one and a purple one), stuffies (he likes a beanie panda and a big headed super man that Itty Bitty calls Super Why), and animals (horse and cow). If Itty Bitty tries to make an unfair trade he’ll have none of it because he knows the differences. As much as they argue, he copies her like a little shadow.

Oh, his hair is staring to grow in the back as when he wakes up now the back of his head is a curly little mess.

Mini Moose Words of Note:
BeeBee! : Broken! (unspoken request of Fix it!)
Tuck!: It’s stuck! (can be in reference to shirt or shoes he can’t get off, or a toy stuck)
Sheet Dow: Sit down! (a demand made often to Daddy Man to play cars or to me for nay-nays)
TeeTee: TV. Turn on the tv. Usually in the evening with Daddy Man (and if you don’t put on the one he wants he will shake his head, point and babble)
MeeMee: Give that to me!
MoeMoe: More. More.
Taytoo: Thank you.
SeeSoo: See you soon!
Nana: Banana
Apoo: Apple

He gives a lot more directions now with vocalizations and pointing. He is very good at screetching his displeasure at his sister. He can also follow multistep instructions. He has a pretty broad vocabulary even though it is in toddler-speak. He also can repeat several words he doesn’t usually say if you ask him too like colors, numbers, and random words.

Itty Bitty Wordisms (cut ways she still says things)
Beputer: Computer
Bemember: Remember
Imbisable: Invisable
Dista-peer: Disapear
Pooh Da Bear: Pooh Bear (Winnie the Pooh)
Free: Three

She still often sings songs (off key, poor girl got my lack of musicality), reinacts books and cartoons, andjust chatters narratives. She is getting better with simple addition and some basic fraction (3/3 4/4), has taught herself some rudimetnary writing and can write her name and her brother’s name from memory. She can also copy common words with concentration like exit, stop, and other words she can look at. She doesn’t always make the letters the way you are “supposed” to, but she makes it work.

2/2 Sunday Day 709

Night EC: 5:00Am Pee catch
Day: Dry.
Poop: 1/2 catch 1/2 miss

Cabin fever, cabin fever! Sing it with me, now! Cabin fever, cabin fever! The crazy lives here!

I noticed that Mini Moose has learned how to do puzzles. He no longer just tries to bang and mash them into place. He looks at them, anyalyzes, and tries to place them in the matching slot — before he tries to smash them in if they don’t fit for some reason. He can do the chunk puzzles with simple shapes. He tries to do the complicated regular puzzles but just ends up looking confused in a pile of mixed up pieces.

Itty Bitty is big on vocabulary always asking what a word means or telling us something she’s learned or figured out. She tells stories, re-enacts cartoons, sings songs she knows, makes others up, and tries to give her brother check-ups. Oh, and calling me every ten seconds.

2/3 Monday Day 710

Night EC: 5:00Am Pee catch
Day: Dry.
Poop: 1/2 catch 1/2 miss

I think the redundancy is going to do us in. I mean, first Daddy Man wakes up, then Mini Moose, then I peel open my heavy one eye. Mini Moose asks for Nana, if there is no Nana he wants Apoo. After that he wants nay nay. Then Itty Bitty gets up and the sibling bickery begins. I lose my marbles. We have fruit with an accompaniment of oatmeal, eggs, yogurt, or (if I’m ambitions) pancakes for breakfast. Itty Bitty turns her nose up at cream of wheat even if I make it delicious (no easy feat let me tell you but I’m trying to use up the little used pantry items I’ve got leftover from recipes). She just doesn’t like the texture if it starts to get cold…and Itty Bitty takes forever to eat. When I say “we”, I mean “they” get to eat that stuff. I, on the other hand, end up eating the dregs. The mostly eaten apple, the soft part of the banana (which I hate), the leftover cold, reheated oatmeal, and eggs in one bite or else I get none.

We do the same thing so often, that when Mini Moose comes into the kitchen now he sits down at Itty Bitty’s pink lapdesk and waits. Meh, I can’t remember the last time I bothered to use the high chair at the table. Easier to feed him at floor level where he can come and go as he pleases. He brings me his plate and says, “Ah dahn, Mama” or if he is having trouble with the last bit he says “hep” and opens his mouth after he brings me the bowl/plate and spoon.

2/4 Tuesday Day 711

Night EC: 5:00Am Pee catch
Day: Dry.
Poop: 1/2 catch 1/2 miss

Wait. What? I’m getting more sleep! Five hours consistently at first stretch! We hardly even argue over the late hour nursing request. Most of the time he just shifts to lay on my face, throat, or chest. Itty Bitty just parks herself in my buttcrack.

2/5 Wednesday Day 712

Night EC: 1 miss, then morning pee catch
Day: Dry.
Poop: 1/2 catch 1/2 miss

So much snow, it is so cold, and I am trying to save gas by not driving anywhere. Not that I want to drive in the cold and snow. Besides it takes half an hour just to get them dressed when it is bitter cold, and half an hour they go out and are done! I also hate the cold. Like Sally of Peanuts, I am not built for winter. Of course, this does not help our cabin fever.

I have, however, managed to cut our grocery expenses to 40-45 dollars a week. I do one stocking trip every six weeks, and every week I buy our most used essentials: eggs, yogurt, apples, bananas, lettuce/greens Everything needs to be cooked scratch so I dusted off my breadmaker and put the crock pot front and center. I still so miss my toaster oven! I make everything. Quick breads, muffins, cookies, taco wraps, flat breads, soups, and stews. We are eating less and less “didn’t turn out quite right” meals as I get back into the swing of things.

2/6 Thursday Day 713

Night EC: 1 catch, then morning pee catch
Day: Dry.
Poop: 1/2 catch 1/2 miss

2/7 Friday Day 714

Night EC: 1 catch, then morning pee catch
Day: Dry.
Poop: caught it!

2/8 Saturday Day 715

Night EC: no pee, then very early morning pee catch (5:00 or so)
Day: Dry.
Poop: 1/2 catch 1/2 miss

You know the drill people. Endless laundry, never ending chores, cooking again, messy house, hopelessness, despair and trying to keep your marbles in the bag.

2/9 Sunday Day 716

Night EC: no pee, then early morning pee catch 6:00am
Day: Dry.
Poop: 1/2 catch 1/2 miss

Unpacked more boxes today that were sitting in the garage and organized a few things.
The sad part is, overall, it looks like I did nothing. Le sigh.

2/10 Monday Day 717

Night EC: 1 catch, then wake up pee catch
Day: Dry.
Poop: 1/2 catch 1/2 miss

2/11 Tuesday Day 718

Night EC: No pee, then 5:00 morning pee catch
Day: Dry.
Poop: 1/2 catch 1/2 miss

2/12 Wednesday Day 719

Night EC: No pee, then 5:00 morning pee catch
Day: Dry.
Poop: caught it!

2/13 Thursday Day 720

Night EC: No pee, then 5:00 morning pee catch
Day: Dry.
Poop: 1/2 catch 1/2 miss

Daddy Man brought me Valentine’s Day early because we are getting more snow. Awww! Itty Bitty has been itching for the chocolate covered strawberries he got her last year. She remembers so much now!

2/14 Friday Day 721
Night EC: No Pee at night, had a big wake up pee.
Day: Dry.
Poop: Missed it. Eww.

Happy Snow Day! I mean, Valentines Day. Too much snow!
I lost Daddy Man’s cards! Really? I probably won’t find them until next year. Instead, I had to have the kids make him cards and I thought today was Saturday and he went to work even with the storm coming.

Day 722
2/15 Saturday
Night EC: No Pee at night, had a big wake up pee.
Day: Dry.
Poop: caught by daddy

Had to miss my twin nieces first birthday party because of yet another snow storm. Stop it, Nature! Just stop! Oh, yeah and my computer went kaput.

2/16 Sunday Day 723
Night EC: No Pee at night, had a big wake up pee.
Day: Dry.
Poop: 50/50 catch/miss

2/17 Monday Day 724
Night EC: No Pee at night, had a big wake up pee.
Day: 1 miss afternoon.
Poop: Caught it!

2/18 Day 725
Night EC: No Pee at night; big wake up pee.
Day: Dry.
Poop: Caught most of it.

2/19 Wednesday Day 726
Night EC: No Pee at night, had a big wake up pee.
Day: Dry.
Poop: 50/50 catch/miss

Daddy Man did some research and thinks it is the power port on my computer so the cheapest option is to mail it out for repair to a place out of state that will do it for under a 100 dollars including shipping. Gah!

Day 727
2/20 Thursday
Night EC: No Pee at night, had a big wake up pee.
Day: Dry.
Poop: 50/50

2/21 Friday Day 728
Night EC: 1 night pee, then wakeup pee.
Day: Dry.
Poop: Catch.

Ain’t no sunshine when the computer is gone. You know, because you can Google sunrises and stuff.

Month 23: New Year Magic and Mayhem – Day 667 to Day 697

Compare to Sister’s Blog:   Month 23:  Beach Redux

Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays!

12/22 Sunday (22 months) Day 667

Night EC: 2 catch
Day: Dry all day.
Poop: Missed half of it.

Itty BItty seems recovered today again and back to her old self. She ate several pieces of fruit and was back to complaining about the lack of breakfast options.

I just hope we don’t all get sick in time for Christmas.

12/23 Monday Day 668

Night EC: 1 catch
Day: Dry all day.
Poop: Missed it FOUR times!

Did our Christmas shopping today with my paltry budget and picked up Christmas photos for gifts also. I got some good deals on socks for my brother, rechargable batteries for my other brother, and four toys for my twin neices. There was even a little bit left over to get Itty BItty her “Santa” gift though I couldn’t get it because we were all together. We’ll have to go tomorrow and hope it is still there (she had her keen eye on a Dora Mermaid Doll).

12/24 Tuesday Day 669

Night EC: 2 catch
Day: Dry all day except for 1 car miss and 1 late evening miss.
Poop: No poop.

No one seems sick and Itty BItty has been fever free for well over twenty-four hours so we are all safe to go visit family for the holidays. We had good intensions of leaving early but as usual ended up leaving later than we wanted. No matter, we still managed to get our Santa Toy errand done and made it in good time. Unfortunately, Mini Moose had an unexpected pee accident in the car. That hasn’t happened in ages! I should have taken him potty one more time during a pit stop, but for some reason I decided not to and wanted to wait until another stop. Big mistake on my part. Mini Moose was NOT a happy camper!

On top of that when I spoke to my Mom and told her we’d e arriving early afternoon, she thought I was talking about tomorrow. Oy. We actually can’t stay as long tomorrow because Christmas is in the middle of the week and Daddy Man has to work on Thursday. We have to fit all our visiting in today and hang out tomorrow and leave early evening.

12/25 Wednesday Day 670

Night EC: 1 catch, 1 miss
Day: Dry all day.
Poop: No poop (until we got home) then BAM. Missed it…well, most of it.

The visit was going pretty well though it is stressful keeping the kids out of things and following house rules. Itty BItty is older so she is fine, but Mini Moose only just turned 22 months a few days ago so he needs a closer eye. I was getting something out of the fridge to snack on when my Mom was loading the dishwasher and Mini Moose went over to turn it on — because he does that with me when we are home. She yelled at him because she thought he was playing with it! He got scared and cried. I was upset because he was upset and he really wasn’t doing anything wrong. I tried to explain that he wasn’t playing with it, that he was trying to help. I felt a bit scolded when she said that those aren’t he rules in her house. Um…I KNOW…my back was turned for a few seconds and I couldn’t head him off as usual. Then she said I shouldn’t get offended. *sigh* I was upset because my baby was scared! He doesn’t see her all the time, he’s just a baby, and on top of that he was confused.

I know I do yell and I suck sometimes, but I ALWAYS apologize to my kids when I do that because I know I did wrong. I wish I didn’t make those mistakes but I do. I just don’t want someone else yelling at my kids or threatening to hit them, and I don’t care who it is.

12/26 Thursday Day 671

Night EC: 2 catch
Day: 1 miss.
Poop: Missed poop.

12/27 Friday Day 672

Night EC: 2 catch
Day: Dry all day.
Poop: Caught poop after a well tighted potty sign/sound.

Happy Birthday GrandMaMa!

12/28 Saturday Day 673

Night EC: 1 catch
Day: 2 miss.
Poop: Missed poop.

12/29 Sunday Day 674

Night EC: 1 catch
Day: 1 miss.
Poop: Missed poop…3 times. Eww.

12/31 Monday Day 675

Night EC: 1 catch
Day: Dry all day.
Poop: Daddy caught the poop!

It’s New Year’s Eve. When did that happen? We all stayed in and stayed up for New Year. Mini Moose fell asleep thirty minutes to midnight so of course I had to wake him up! That’s how we roll around here.

1/1 Monday Day 676

Night EC: 1 catch
Day: Dry all day.
Poop: Missed it twice. Mini Moose is trying to tell us, though it is just generally five seconds to late. We keep on keeping on.

Happy New Year!

1/2 Tuesday Day 677

Night EC: 1 catch, 1 miss
Day: Our usual random miss.
Poop: Caught it today!

Mini Moose is sleeping consistently a nice 4-5 hour stretch

1/3 Wednesday Day 678

Night EC: 1 catch, 1 miss
Day: 2 miss.
Poop: Missed it twice.

I started packing for our trip to Florida yesterday and keeping up with the laundry so there won’t be much to do when we get back. I think we are going to have to buy Mini Moose his own suitcase this year because even without needing to bring diapers, his clothing for a week takes up more space. For the moment, he and Itty Bitty share a small suitcase. We try to travel as light as possible.

1/4 Thursday Day 679

Night EC: 1 catch
Day: 4 miss.
Poop: Missed it.

It’s been an off day today. We are out of synch and I’m stressed over finances, whether or not work will come through, and the trip. I’m hanging in there. Mini Moose is also cranky because he’s still teething his eye teeth which take forever to come through. It took Itty Bitty a couple of months! They are bubbling and look sore. He’s been chewing on his fingers and seemingly trying to rip them out with his bare hands.

My favorite Mini Moose Babbles:

Buh-Boo — Boo Boo
Bye-ee — Good bye with a litttle wave just the way Itty Bitty used to.
Kittee Hups — Our male cat’s name is Hops
Kittee Bowwee — Our female cat’s name is Barley
Momos — Animals
Brroom Brroom — Cars and other vehicles.
Appo — Apple
Nah-na — Banana
Com-ma — Come on!
Leh-go — Let Go!
Seedow — Sit down.
NiNi — Night Night
Shu — Shoes
BahBow — Bubbles/balls/spheres/anything spherical
Hep Mama tuck — Help, Momma, this toy is stuck!
Idono — I don’t know said when asked where he put something or where something is
donairs — downstairs said if he knows Daddy is watching TV
MoMo — More with the baby sign for More that he made up which is a finger touching his lips. It usually means more water but not always.
Tanyoo — Thank you.
Fowwa — Flower
Top — Stop!
ShooShoo Git — Said to the cat’s if they get in the way!
Uh-doe Uh-doe — I am not exactly sure about this sound blend, but it usually means either play with me or fix this train track or the car track again so I can play with it.

Mostly he makes a lot of non-word sounds and points to indicate his desires. He tries to repeat many things if he is asked however. He also can understand multi-step directions such as “Go upstairs, find your sister, and brush your teeth.” Or “Find your sister’s shoes.”

He does so love brushing his teeth with his sister. If she doesn’t put toothpaste on his toothbrush so he can join her he gets very angry! She has learned to put the training toothpaste on his brush first and then do hers.


1/3 Friday Day 680
Night EC: 1 catch.
Day: 2 miss
Poop: 1 catch

1/4 Saturday Day 681
Night EC: 1 catch.
Day: 3 miss
Poop: 1 catch, 1 miss

Day 682
1/5 Sunday
Night EC: 1 catch.
Day: Dry
Poop: 2 miss

1/6 Monday Day 682
Night EC: 1 catch.
Day: Dry
Poop: 1 miss

1/7 Tuesday Day 683
Night EC: 1 catch.
Day: Dry
Poop: 1 catch

1/8 Wednesday Day 684
Night EC: 1 catch.
Day: Dry
Poop: 1 catch

1/9 Thursday Day 685
Night EC: 1 catch.
Day: Dry
Poop: Miss

1/10 Friday Day 686
Night EC: 1 catch.

Epcot. Daddy Man sick.

1/11 Saturday Day 687
Night EC: 1 catch.

Plane home around 7:00 pm. Daddy Man fever.


1/12 Sunday Day 688
Night EC: 1 catch.

Daddy Man sick quarantined to downstairs. Fever 104.
Grandmama knows our cupboards are bare and brought over some staples to cover us for a few days. Bread, peanut butter, jelly, yogurt, crackers, ginger ale, and orange juice. The only time we ever have juice and ginger ale in the house is during sickness!

1/13 Monday Day 689
Night EC: 1 catch.

Me, Mini Moose sick late afternoon after nap. Chills mild fever. Itty Bitty not until late night. I guess Operation: Quarantine Daddy didn’t work fast enough.

1/14 Tuesday Day 690
Night EC: 1 catch.

House of Woe. All our fevers have settled between 102 and 103.5, though the littles often go down as low as 100-101 after medication and cooling cloths. I have such a terrible headache that I figure the kids also have headaches and body aches so I’ve not been stingy with the Ibruprofen and Tylenol for their comfort.

1/15 Wednesday Day 691
Night EC: 1 catch.

Status the same. Itty BItty and Mini Moose still have appetites and have been drinking water. There is some mild coughing but that is really it. Only fever and head/body aches. Thankfully no trots or vomits. Their poo has been messy, but that has only been once. We likely have travellers flu with Daddy Man being our patient zero. He is the worst off. Hightest fever, terrible cough, and horrible pain in his chest from the cough. The least sick is Itty Bitty. Mini Moose is smaller so the fever and aches seem to be harder for him. When they get down to 101 they are quite lively. When it is down to 100 they start arguing over toys. At 102-103 they are sleepy and unenergetic. I am hoping our recovery will be quick since we get to rest a lot.

Thankfully, the kids fevers seem to be on the lower end of 100 to 102.5 today and occasionally down to 99. Mine tends to be a little higher, but I only take Ibuprofen if my head is going to fall off–and it has a couple of times! We can go up to eight hours without medications for the aches. I can usually tell just by looking at Itty Bitty’s face that she is feeling bad even before she complains about sore skin and hurting eyes. We’ve spent a lot of time in bed. Daddy Man still has a fever that spikes and he doesn’t want to take more time off work, so he compromised and went to work at night so he wouldn’t infect anyone during the day. He finds it exhausting but it is working out.

By late evening the Little’s fevers stayd low around 99 to the occasional normal even after the meds had long worn off. We each had one last fever spike in the wee hours of the night complete with all of us sweating.

1/16 Thursday Day 692
Night EC: 1 catch.
Day: 1 miss
Poop: Missed it.

Fevers this morning stayed normal to a low 99.5 without any need for medication for pain for any of us (except once for me because of my head — but I’ve gotten the least rest of everyone with insomnia and monitoring the Littles at night. Thank goodness for Netflix!).

I felt well enough to go to the store, but left the kids with Daddy Man. The supplies that Grandmama brought over are gone and we hadn’t stocked up anything when we got back from vacation. I am out of even the staples to make staples. I was armed with my coupons and even though I am tired and in recovery, I managed okay.

By evening we were all completely recovered except for Daddy Man. He still went into work at night though. To celebrate our recover, I made homemade flatbread and turned it into pizza and the kids and I ate our recovery dinner in bed watching entirely too much tv. It feels good not to be sick!

Daddy Man is a little perturbed that he got sick first and we recovered after only three days!

1/17 Friday Day 693
Night EC: 1 catch.
Day: 2 misses.
Poop: Missed it. Of course. The Boy does try though.

I decided to cook Daddy Man a birthday dinner today so it would be a surprise and Itty Bitty and I made him a marble cake.

The cake was a disaster! It turned out to be more like a pound cake that was hard on the outside, and practically raw on the inside. It was very brick like and tasted worse. I don’t know what happened! I was more made that I wasted good butter on an Epic Fail. Sorry, Daddy Man! At least dinner was good. Can’t go wrong with mashed potatoes, corn, and one pot pork roast.

Daddy Man is finally 24 hours free of fever too so we are no longer able to infect others with whatever nasty it was that Daddy Man picked up.

1/18 Saturday Day 694
Night EC: 1 very small catch.
Day: Dry all day.
Poop: Missed it.

Happy 41st Birthday Daddy Man! When did we get so old!?

1/19 Sunday Day 695
Night EC: No pee. I thought for sure I missed it when I woke up groggy, but he was dry!
Day: 3 misses.
Poop: Three poops! Caught most of one. Blech.

Grandmama came by to watch football and Itty Bitty was delighted because that means we get pizza.

1/20 Monday Day 696
Night EC: 1 catch, 1 miss.
Day: Dry all day.
Poop: Caught most of it! Anything you catch is good!

I am so not feeling up to anything.

Anyway, I’ve been encouraging Mini Moose to use the little potty, but he still has a very strong preference for being held in a full squat over the toilet or peeing in a cup. I couldn’t tell you why other than just like all of us, we all have our preferences. He’ll get there. He’s just not as into stripping, streaking, and “me do” as his sister was. That is just his personality and probably has some to do with being a sibling. I know people tend to say that his actions tend to be because he is a boy, but I dot not think that has anything to do with it. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to run this EC experiement with a third to confirm such theories since Daddy Man is done adding to our family, and I’m too tired anyway. Hah! If I am lucky, I might be able to experiment with a passel of grandbabies before I’m senile.

Phrases I never thought I’d say #24: “Don’t hit your brother with your butt!”

1/21 Tuesday Day 697
Night EC: 1 catch
Day: 1 miss.
Poop: Missed it.

Another night when Mini Moose has not nursed to sleep. It isn’t that I didn’t want to, but he has been getting full before he drops off and he is doing the “teething shallow latch,” and my hormones are spiking so I’ve been ending the session before sleep drop. Sometimes he is fine or does it on his own, rolls to face away from me for a spooning cuddle and falls asleep. Other times he gets mad and yells at me. Whether or not I allow him to relatch really depends on if he’s been playing the “pop on pop off” tango roll. I don’t tango.