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Month 32: Whatever She Can Do I Can Do – Day 948 to Day 975

Compare to Sister’s Blog:   Month 32:  Itty Bitty Role Model

Happy Birthday!   The cake gave mommy some trouble, but rainbows make everything better!

Happy Birthday! The cake gave mommy some trouble, but rainbows make everything better!

9/21 Sunday Day 947 (31 Months)

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Successful Deployment

Happy Fifth Birthday Itty Bitty!

I am still exhausted and we didn’t finish cleanup from yesterday. We took Itty Bitty out for her birthday breakfast and just pretty much stayed close to home. It rained all day with a lull in the afternoon and the the kids enjoyed playing in the warm puddles.

I wonder how many years of puddle splashing she has left? Of course, I hope she puddle splashes as an adult! It can be really hard to keep that little inner child sparked.

Itty Bitty you are growing so fast. Every so often I catch a glimpse of my little baby, and I miss the smell of your bald head. Sure, sometimes it smelled like armpit, but I could still get a great whiff of that baby perfume. You are so affectionate and headstrong. I am sorry if some days I feel all touched out, and aren’t as free with my hugs as you. I am sorry if sometimes I demand too much quiet or just can’t answer one more question. I don’t want you to stop asking questions or to stop challenging me, even when I raise my hands in exasperation. The world is still all new to you, and you haven’t yet grown tired. Though I know that I should try to see the world through your eyes, this Mama Bear just wants to curl up and hibernate for a while!

Know that I miss your noise when you aren’t near. Miss the questions once I’ve had my half hour of recharge time. I love your persistence and passion. Yes, I see how much better you are drawing cats and people. Yes, thank you for getting the laundry. You may not lick the window! Wow, look at how easily you can do a flip now! No, I don’t want help eating my piece of birthday cake. Thank you, but I don’t want to listen to that song a 61t time. Please, do not jump on my foot! Do not tie that around the cat! You’ve called me twenty times in sixty seconds, WHAT!? Yes, I love you too.

9/22 Monday Day 948

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Successful Deployment

9/23 Tuesday Day 949

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Successful Deployment

Happy 62nd Birthday to my mom.
Itty Bitty did something stranger today…she fell asleep next to me on our cuddler loveseat and took a nap while Mini Moose didn’t take a nap! Wow. The party must have taken a lot out of her and she needed to reset.

9/24 Wednesday Day 950

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Successful Deployment

Mini Moose has been continuing his trend of solo pottying. He sometimes dissapears to go on his own, though he still usually announces to me before he goes, and often returns to give me the usual status report.
Oh, and I realized that I totally flaked forgot to put out the homemade onion dip and carrots for the party. Guess what we are eating?

9/25 Thursday Day 951

Night EC: 1 night miss, 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Successful Deployment

Making giant bubbles!

Making giant bubbles!

9/26 Friday Day 952

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Successful Deployment

9/27 Saturday Day 953

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Successful Deployment

Daddy Man took me out for a birthday dinner to the place they all went to on the fourth of July when Mini Moose was sick. Yay! It was so good. The specialize in wings and specialty sauces, but everything we ordered was good. Even the coleslaw! I had myself a birthday cocktail. I should have had two. Mini Moose was napless today so he was really antsy, but we managed to hold it together, but we didn’t get to have desert. It was okay though because I was way way over full.

Oh…and…by the way Mother Nature…thank you for the monthly gift. It was really, really unnecessary though.


Happy Birthday to mommy!

9/28 Sunday Day 954

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Successful Deployment

Happy 41st Birthday to me! The weather is gorgeous, if a little hot. Summer decided to come back and say goodbye to me one last time. *sniffle* Thank you Summer, that was very thoughtful.

9/29 Monday Day 955

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Successful Deployment

Grandmama and a very good friend came by today and we hung out and had some Mommy birthday cake that Grandmama brought over. I even go to blow out candles. Yay!
The kids and I showed them how we make gak/slime with borax, pvc/elmer’s glue, and water. That kept the kids occupied for two hours while the big folk got to watch a football game in peace.

9/30 Tuesday Day 956

Night EC: 1 night miss and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Successful Deployment

10/1 Wednesday Day 957

Night EC: 1 night miss and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Successful Deployment

We are having trouble with the middle of the night pee. Thankfully it isn’t a big gusher, but still getting kicked from a toddler who is half asleep with damp pants doesn’t put me in the rainbow zone.

10/1 Wednesday Day 958

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Successful Deployment


Mini Moose, please, maintain three points of contact at all times!

10/2 Thursday Day 959

Night EC: 1 night miss, and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Successful Deployment

Managed to keep the kids occupied for hours with the slime and Itty Bitty was doing one of the craft kits she got for her birthday. Breathing room is good.

10/3 Friday Day 958

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Successful Deployment

10/4 Saturday Day 959

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Successful Deployment

These new brain the kids are growing ar really killing me. I may not survive the ordeal. Restless nights, the fighting, the naplessness, the fighting, the crazy. I want my babies back!

Mommy is having a small heart attack.

Mommy is having a small heart attack.

10/5 Sunday Day 960

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Successful Deployment

It seem like Mini Moose has the poop well in hand now. We have no issues any more even with pants on, though it is easier for him without pants. He can take them off on his own, though he usually comes to give me the potty signal and says, “Poot!” I take his pants off and he goes running. Sometimes, instead, I’ll say, “You don’t have to tell me, take off your pants, go go go!” And shoo him off in a hurry. If he remembers he takes his pants off first before running, though usually they end up around his ankle as he shuffles. Once in a great while, the get to destination first, then remove them. No matter how it starts, he inevitably ends up pantsless. “I fush?” Is is finishing question if he wants to flush, though usually doesn’t wait for an answer.

Now if he can just hold his pee all night, we’ll be golden.

"Look how high I am!  I can do it Momma!"  Yes, I can see that you can.

“Look how high I am! I can do it Momma!” Yes, I can see that you are several feet above the ground.

10/6 Monday Day 960

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Successful Deployment

Can we have one day where you two aren’t fighting!! Gah. Please finish this double growth spurt and brain burst quickly. Please. I am begging.
On top of this rewiring, Itty Bitty informs me that she doen’t want to be a pony for Halloween, but wants to be Velma. I went to the store to buy her new pant because she’s outgrown all but two pairs in a week! While I was there I happened to see a Scooby Doo costume for Mini Moose so I bought it. Last one in his size! I was going to go for more of a Superhero costume like Super Why to echo Itty Bitty’s two year costume a Detructo Girl. There were no Super Why cotumes and ALL of the other superheros had gigantic fake muscles and they looked weird. I couldn’t find a Daphne costume for me, so I’m going to groovy up as a hippie and be the “guest star”. I even got a pink wing and a pink/purple gogo dress (I’ll be wearing pants). I don’t do pink, so this costume is way out in left field for me. So…now I have to find a Velma outfit.

Mini Moose has suddenly burst out with new vocabulary, phrase, and sentences. So I was right. New brains. The fights between he and Itty Bitty are the direct result of new awareness. They also play together with imaginative play complete with dialog, so it isn’t all conflict. Just…a lot of it.

Exhausted. Yin and Yang.

Yin and Yang.

Mini Moose Word Burst:

YouheppaMe = You help me.
Eyeheppayou= I’ll help you.
NoIwannadatone = No! I want that one!
Disonenaynay= This one nay-nay. (says when he wants to switch nursing sides)
EyingAqueen! = Lightning McQueen
IckHips! = Chick Hicks
DaddyPudaVroomVroomCah= Daddy, play vroom vroom cars on your computer
Puda = Computer
Idoewandit = I don’t want it.
Eye-doe-no = I don’t know
Wook Wook a circle! = Look Look (I made) a circle!
Pwayne = Plane
Wook it waining = Look it’s raining.
Shirt off = Shirt off (to match the pants that are already off)
Shirt peez = Put my shirt on please
Dis one = this one!
I’m shad! = I’m sad!
Dat/Dis/It hebby = That/This/It’s heavy.
Nonono Waitda second = No, no, wait a second.
Where’s Daddy? = asks when he forgets that it isn’t the weekend.
Daddy adda work? = Is Daddy at work?
Take it = (Minni Moose enjoys giving orders)
PayDoe = Play Doh
Why? = (so many why’s…let me count them)
Pieda = Spider (pretty much any multi-legged critter. “I think that’s a tick, honey.” Pause. “No! Pie-da!”)
Pieda Mane = Spiderman
Housh = House
Top it! = Stop it! (often said to his sister)
Outshied = Outside
Oh Man! = (I think I say this a lot)
Hrmph = (crosses his arms with displeasure and snorts this sound through his nose)
Momma, Yucky poot! Heppa me. = (a plea to help me whip his bottom free of a particularly grueome poo)

Mini Moose still says: MauMau for Micky Mouse. But has stopped saying “Shoom-Shoom” for airplane. *sniffle*

10/7 Tuesday Day 961

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Successful Deployment

Itty Bitty’s brain has been rewired too. She’d been doing well with number for quite a long time (counting 100 and above, adding, subtracting, using the simple abacus), but suddenly out of the blue she’s started doing low number multiplication, and has a better understanding of even and odd numbers. “Momma, four is an even number because you can make two groups of two. And six is an even number because you can make two groups of three. Three is an odd number because you can’t make two even groups.”

I was quite surprised with the length of the profound utterance. She still has a little trouble with counting because occasionally brain cells go on the fritz and she forgets the repeating pattern (particularly with the teens). She also still has difficulty saying “fifteen” as it comes out sounding like “fifty”, even though we know what she means.

I guess it is about time to start teaching her how to count money, and explain that the number of coins isn’t the amount of money you have! I also should get back on track with letters and sight words…I’ve been rather neglecting that part of our play to learn.

10/8 Wednesday Day 962

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Successful Deployment

10/9 Thursday Day 963

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Successful Deployment during day, a mishap with daddy in the evening (oops!)

10/10 Friday Day 964

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Successful Deployment

Mini Moose is obsessed with cars. Particularly Lighting McQueen. Obsessed. It causes so much strife with his sister that I’ve had to put away most of the cars and limit them to a few at a time just to keep them reeled in and encourage mor cooperation.

10/11 Saturday Day 965

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Successful Deployment

10/12 Sunday Day 966

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Successful Deployment

Happy 91st Birthday Great-Grandma!

10/13 Monday Day 967

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Successful Deployment

Hello. My name is Mommy and I’m a yeller.
I don’t want to be a yeller.
I don’t like to yell.
I can’t stop yelling.

Can I get just FIVE MINUTES alone to PEE without there having to be an argument, crying, and a crash of some sort!

10/14 Tuesday Day 968

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Successful Deployment

10/15 Wednesday Day 969

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Successful Deployment

10/16 Thursday Day 970

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Successful Deployment

10/17 Friday Day 971

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Successful Deployment

10/18 Saturday Day 972

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Successful Deployment

10/19 Sunday Day 973

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Successful Deployment

10/20 Monday Day 974

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Successful Deployment

10/21 Tuesday Day 975

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Successful Deployment