Tag Archive | month-30

Month 30: A Time for Change – Day 878 to Day 913

Compare to Sister’s Blog:   Month 30:  Equinox



7/22 Tuesday Day 878 (29 Months)

Night EC: 1 night catch, 1 morning pee.
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Miss. Mini Moose ended up with pants on and pooped in them in the evening. Daddy Man is dumbstruck.

We are just baffled at how having pants on makes such a big difference. With pants off if Mini Moose starts going poop he squeezes his cheeks together, gets an urgent look on his face, makes the potty sign, and says “Poooooop!” And we rush or shoo him to the bathroom. With pants on it is like the signal gets crossed and he stands there like a deer stuck in headlights. “I’m pooping…what do I do?…Shoudl I say something…?” And we all know how critical those seconds are, and there is not time for thinking only action!


7/23 Wednesday Day 879

Night EC: 1 night catch, 1 morning pee.
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Catch. No pants.

7/24 Thursday Day 880

Night EC: 1 night catch, 1 morning pee.
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Catch. No pants.

7/25 Friday Day 881

Night EC: 1 night catch, 1 morning pee.
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Catch. No pants.

7/26 Saturday Day 882

Night EC: 1 night catch, 1 morning pee.
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Catch. No pants.

Arobatics are no problem for Itty Bitty, and Mini Moose is a swing pro!

Arobatics are no problem for Itty Bitty, and Mini Moose is a swing pro!

7/27 Sunday Day 883

Night EC: 1 night catch, 1 morning pee.
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Catch. No pants.

7/28 Monday Day 884

Night EC: 1 morning pee.
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Catch. No pants.

7/29 Tuesday Day 885

Night EC: 1 night catch, 1 morning pee.
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Catch. Miss, forgot to take pants off!

7/30 Wednesday Day 886

Night EC: 1 night catch, 1 morning pee.
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Catch. No pants.

Well, it seems that the pants are the key. As long as I remember to take them off first thing in the morning, Mini Moose comes to us in plenty of time. He gives the potty sign with his high pitched “mAY mAY” sound, we shoo him to the bathroom, he toddler trots, we lift him on the toilet and leave him to it. He gets down by himself or calls us to help with wiping by saying, “Ah poobed!” He’s also started going longer between between pees, havin more “epic pees” and starting to go longer at night sometimes going 5-6 hours. He wakes up in the middle of the night to pee.

7/31 Thursday Day 887

Night EC: 1 night catch, 1 morning pee.
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Catch. No pants.

8/1 Friday Day 888

Night EC: 1 night miss, 1 morning pee.
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Three Catches. No pants.

Sometimes we have the occasional miss at night when I am in the dream loopy state and notice the signs too late. The thick Imse Vimse trainers do an adequate job, but I only have two of those. When I haven’t washed them I double up Mini Moose in Gerber trainers (and yes, we use the pink ones too!). The waterproof cover is starting to get small on him I noticed so I don’t always use it. When we have a miss now, it is pretty big. I still have a our flannel wee-wee toppers on the bed just in case. Last night it was needed! Easier to change and toss than to deal with the whole bed. Yes, he goes right back to sleep because he’s used to it. We’ve done this since birth, so it’s just not that exciting for him to be awoken in the middle of the night. Once he can go all night without needing to pee it will be fantastic, but he may be like me and often have to get up to go unlike Itty Bitty who has bladder of steel. I was really night spoiled with her being night continent so early.

8/2 Saturday Day 889

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Catch. No pants.

8/3 Sunday Day 890

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Catch. No pants.

8/4 Monday Day 891

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Catch. No pants.

8/5 Tuesday Day 892

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Miss. Forgot about the pants!

Yeah, I left Mini Moose in pants after an outing. It’s funny, we are fine when we are out and he is fine running around bare bottomed either naked or in a long shirt. The moment we are home and he has pants on, it’s like a switch goes haywire. “I’m pooping. I have pants on! What do I do!? I am still pooping. I’m POOPING IN MY PANTS! I don’t want to poop my pants! Panic. Wait…I remember now. If I tell mommy or daddy they’ll help me get to the toilet.” I imagine that must be his inner dialoge because by the time he gets to the signal it is too late and we miss part of the poo. We are spoiled parents and we don’t like missing even part of a poo. Older kid poo is not cute baby poo. It just isn’t! Frankly, it stopped being “poo” a long time ago. It’s $hit. Sure, it is funny when they try to walk with a load in their pants, but that’s where the amusement ends and the gag reflex begins.

8/6 Wednesday Day 893

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Catch. (I don’t think I mentione that though he usually goes once a day, it is sometimes two or three times)

8/7 Thursday Day 894

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Catch

Usually for a pee or a poop, Mini Moose will come to me or Daddy Man for assitance. He really prefers the big toilet. He likes the inserts, but he is big enough and strong enough to easily balance on the toilet with out it. He can sit forwards fine, but I usually face him backwards since I think it is easier for him to aim his penis that way because the toilet is wider at the back. Sometimes I do send him to the bathroom on his own, “Go potty!” If I don’t follow him he will use the little potty. He has found that mounting it forward facing it backwards works the best not only for sitting, but also for aiming. He does also like to stand up and straddle it to pee, but his aim is sometimes off, so that is my least favorite configuration. It is very cute to watch him try to fix a misfire. He CAN climb on the big toilet on his own, but it is a lot of effort and I don’t blame him for wanting to be lifted. He’s just not as much into the “me do” as Itty Bitty was at this age. Then again, she is also a far better climber than he is. Mini Moose is more of a runner. He also likes clothes whereas Itty Bitty prefers being in the buff. It’s not that Mini Moose doesn’t like to be nude, but he will ask to put on a shirt on his own while Itty Bitty was usually taking them off.

8/8 Friday Day 895

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Catch

8/9 Saturday Day 896

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Catch

8/10 Sunday Day 897

Night EC: 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Catch

8/11 Monday Day 898

Night EC: 1 morning catch (If we have need for a night catch it is usually between 2:30 and 3:30am)
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Catch

8/12 Tuesday Day 899

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Catch

Happy 8th Anniversary Daddy Man! I got my favorite lavender flowers. I can’t believe it has been 7 years already.

8/13 Wednesday Day 900

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Catch

Things on the EC front are obviously very routine and uninteresting. The poop was really our last conundrum. We don’t really mind that he needs to be naked. Less laundry, too. He’ll eventually get the hang of his pants and have the desire to take them off.

8/14 Thursday Day 901

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Miss. Curse the pants!

Itty Bitty and Mini Moose disagree over how to put together a floor puzzle!

Itty Bitty and Mini Moose disagree over how to put together a floor puzzle!

8/15 Friday Day 902

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Catch

Mini Moose is growing so fast. Still working on those molars and we know how much of a pill toddlers can be when they are teething. But now I can leave Mini Moose alone for short stretches outside with Itty Bitty so I can run into the house for a quick potty break. Itty Bitty looks out for him, but they will continue playing. And having a back door makes it easy to pop in and out. It’s nice not to have to be right on top of either of them to supervise. I can sit across the yard and do my own thing while they play together. Mini Moose and Itty Bitty have free reign to go in and out of the house (as long as they remember to close the screen so the cats stay in), and they have a very large wander radius of the yard being able to play on the driveway at their leisure. Mini Moose and Itty Bitty tend to stay in proximity. Often that proximity is right up my butt, but at least that means they aren’t going to run off right?

Mini Moose like Itty Bitty, now has carte blanche to wander the house even if I’m still in bed. He’ll go play in the play room, or hand me the remote control to watch a cartoon in the morning. I’ve heard him somtimes playing by himself in the playroom while I and Itty Bitty are still trying to catch sleep for up to an hour. Yesterday morning he even came back to bed, curled up, and went back to sleep. That’s a far better scenario than the one where he was enjoying lifting my eyelids and rubbing his head on my boobs like a suckling pig.

I guess I should mention too that he still nurses but I’ve had to drastically cut his demands to three times a day because it has been hurting and he’s been leaving teeth marks. I think my period hormones are messing with my supply and comfort. I have to be careful not to accidentally wean him, so I need to stay on top of refusing his requests. It has been really hard though. With Itty Bitty it was different because when he was born supply was abundant and he was generating plenty of oxytocin. Now that he is at that age and there is no new baby, he just isn’t creating that hormone rush like before. When women talk of nursing aversion, I think most of that has to do with lower oxytocin levels. Toddlers just don’t suckle like newborns…it is just different…and it is hard to explain how.

8/16 Saturday Day 903

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Catch

8/17 SUNday Day 904

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Catch

8/18 Monday Day 909

Night EC: 1 morning catch. Wow, that was big.
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Catch. We were panicked because we left his pants on, but we managed without incident. Pants off is still the way to go, but we can see he will eventually be okay with pants on too.

8/19 Tuesday Day 910

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Catch

8/20 Wenesday Day 911

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Catch

8/21 Thursday Day 912

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Catch

8/22 Friday Day 913

Night EC: 1 night and 1 morning catch
Day: No pee misses.
Poop: Catch